Want that hug now?

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After the big meet up and sitting round laughing and just normally talking after 15 years of being apart everyone went their separate ways for the night, we had agreed to meet up at robbies the next day since he was enthusiastic to show us what he had been working on recently and the look on his face was one I seen when he was just a 16 year old boy, he just wanted to impress us like he wanted to back then

Waking up in the L.A heat is always bliss but it's even better knowing today could be a great day. Throwing the covers off my body and running a lazy hand down my front lightly scratching my stomach I stretch to get all the tiredness out my bones but my mind is still sleeping

Rather aimlessly walking down the stairs of my LA apartment I sleepily find my way to the kitchen, thinking over what happened yesterday. He looked so...I don't know the word for it, fragile? Vulnerable? It's something along those lines anyway

Waiting for the kettle to boil I grab my phone off the small round table just across the room and plug it in to charge by the kettle. Watching it come back to life my phone is immediately filled with dozens of texts and notifications, especially fans on twitter asking why we're in America, they have this unbelievable power of finding out where we are, it's freaky but touching at the same time

One text stood out from everything flying in, it was from little Markie

Morning Gaz, I gave rob your number last night don't be alarmed if you see him texting you, it was me who gave the number <3 x

Smiling down at my phone, I hear the kettle clock telling me it's boiled. Turning my attention back to the master of making tea I grab a mug out the cupboard and bring out my Yorkshire Tea box that I always bring with me wherever I go abroad

Grabbing the milk from the fridge my phone starts vibrating on the counter, putting the carton down I slide over the tiles and answer the call from an unknown number


"It's me Gary, it's Robbie" the soft timid voice spoke on the other side of the phone, he sounds like he's nervous, which no doubt he is about today but so is everyone else I just got to keep an extra eye on him

"Hiya Rob, what's up lad" moving my phone onto my shoulder and trapped it between my ear I managed to get the milk into my mug and make my tea properly as I listen to him speaking

"Was just making sure it's still on today, that you still want to come round"

I could see him pacing the floor in my mind, he always does that when he's nervous, today and yesterday are going to be difficult granted but they need to be done if we want this almighty comeback. Picking the mug up in my hand and dropping my phone back into my grip I stride more effectively into the front room in just boxers

"Yeah, we're coming round about 2ish? Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's perfect! I bought drinks and food last night for us all today, I rented a few movies and set up the Xbox as well..."

"Rob...Robbie, calm lad. It's okay, you're okay. Look I'll come round earlier alright? Can't have you this nervous mate" I cut him off from his nervous rant about how he's got a lot of things planned for today, the last thing we all need is for him to feel anymore pressure than we all do so being the captain of this bands ship I guess I feel it's up to me to make sure he's okay, even after everything I still care for him deeply

"No! No I'm fine it's okay"

"Oh give over, I'll be there in 20 minuets" I gently say and hang up before he could argue the case. Drinking a large amount of the tea in one go I take a quick glance outside and see it's definitely shorts and vest type of day so I pad back upstairs to find a pair of shorts to go with a black vest

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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