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"Maya Alison Styles! You have 10 seconds to get down here and put on your shoes!"

Harry shouted with a stomp of his foot. Honestly, 3 days she bugged him about going to the mall all weekend long and she was late.

Harry... she's 7.

Harry huffed childishly as a little brunette skipped down the steps with a Pink and white polka dotted dress. It was one of her favorites and she only put it on for special occasions.

What was special about the mall?

"I'm s-sorry papa. My zipper is s-stuck."

She whined with remorse laced in her voice, and she was struggling to pull her hair out of her zipper. Harry's irritation was immediately replaced with his parental worry. He squatted down, allowing the little girl to walk towards him and turn her back to him. Harry untangled her hair from the zipper and zipped it up, letting her curls fall over it.

"I don't understand how your hair is so long."

Maya turned to face him with a wide smile which caused Harry to smile back. Her hands gently moved into his, combing her fingers through it.

"Yours is long too papa."

"Do you like it?"

Maya nodded enthusiastically, hugging Harry without a warning. Harry giggled and hugged back. He placed a kiss on her forehead then stood up, grabbing the little girl's pink coat, helping her put it on.

They had a mutual understanding of fashion.

Well, that's what happens when you live with only one parent for 7 years of your life.

He didn't want this. Harry didn't ask to have a random girl walk up to his dormitory room and claim to be his baby mama. It was such a preposterous accusation because Harry was gay. He was so fucking gay and wouldn't dare go near a female genital part because cock is life ok?

But of course Harry was a light weight drunk. Meaning he went to a college party, got wasted, got seduced... and fucked a girl. To make matters worse, he could barely remember it the next morning. He only started to find out exactly what happened almost 2 months later when the girl, Lisa, came to him and told him about the pregnancy.

You'd probably be like 'why didn't he tell her to abort' right?

To hell with you! Harry believed that every life has a purpose and must be protected at all costs. Why would you want to kill a new pure soul for something they couldn't prevent.

So Harry got a second job and helped pay for the hospital bills and even went to all the appointments with her. When she gave birth, she said she didn't want the child. She didn't want anything to do with the child and she especially didn't want anything to do with Harry. That broke Harry's heart because the least she could offer is to be in the child's life but nope. She was discharged 3 days later after delivery and went back to college, graduated and left without turning back to Harry.

But that was so long ago. Harry moved on. After he was forced to make a decision to not leave the infant in the hospital, he moved out of the dorms and into a small apartment and started taking online classes. When he told his mum, she was more saddened by the fact that Harry hadn't told her sooner, before he was abandoned.

Anne was a kind woman, caring and loving, always looking after Harry and his older sister Gemma. She offered to take Maya off of Harry's hands till he graduated three months later, which he was grateful for. Immediately after graduation, Maya moved back in with Harry in the apartment - she was 4 months old - and then they moved to a two-story house when she was 4 years old. And that's how it's always been.

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