
"What friend are you staying with?" I asked casually as we rode down on the elevator. My office was stationed at the top.
"Ash Granger. We went to school together," she leaned against the wall opposite from me. Her eyes were hooded, probably from sleepiness, and her wavy hair looked a bit more tousled than before and if I didn't know better it looked like she just had sex.
One of the buttons on her shirt seemed to have come a loose and showed a hint of cleavage I couldn't keep my eyes off. She looked like pure sex, not the seven year old who liked to play in mud and dress up her Jay.
That's all I was back then. Charlotte's Jay.
Everywhere we went she would introduce me as "My Jay." Because she knew. She knew I would pretend to eat as many finger biscuits she wanted me to eat and I would check as many closets for monsters. She knew I'll be there for every bruise and cut that needed a kiss and there, waiting in the wings with flowers, for every ballet or violin recital. Ready to fawn over her and tell her how amazing she was and how no one could ever measure up to her.
She was my best friend. Someone who was barely three feet tall who saved me when no one else could. Of course Luis gave me the job that got me out of my situation but his daughter, who got frustrated over addition and subtraction problems, gave me life and hope.
And I wasn't about to tarnish our past with feelings I couldn't control. As far as I was concern I could be nothing more than a Uncle to her.
"Good evening Mr. Hyland," Trisha, a executive assistant, greeted me as she passed Charlotte and I. We were on one of the lower floors, where people Charlotte would interact more with were stationed. It was usually full of assistants getting copies and interns trying to figure out how to use the coffee machines and how so-and-so liked their coffee.
"Trisha, wait, let me introduce you to my new assistant, Charlotte," I called out.
"Oh," Trisha stopped. "I've heard of you," she held her hand out, smiling. "Hi, I'm Trisha."
"Charlotte," she shook Trisha's hand with a smile of her own.
"If you need any help with anything, just call me, I'm Greg Oakley's slave- I mean, assistant. I wish I could chat some more but I have some errands to run. Bye!"
"Nice to meet you!" Charlotte called after Trisha with a small giggle.
"I promise she's a riot once you finally get her to sit down," I chuckled, leading her around the corner. A man, Luke I believe he's name is, was heading our way but stopped the second he looked up from the paper in his hand and saw Charlotte.
I frowned at his frozen state, glancing back at Charlotte to see her frowning at him, just as confused as me.
"Um, Luke is it?" I asked cautiously.
That snapped him out of it. He shook his head and glanced at me before snapping his eyes back to Charlotte.
"Sorry Mr. Hyland, I was just...just blinded by your companion's beauty," he grinned.
I rolled my eyes. Oh, you've got to be kidding me. I peeked over at Charlotte to see her lips pursed, as if she was holding in her laughter.
"This is my new assistant, Charlotte," I introduced her, grudgingly, for some odd reason. "Charlotte Montgomery."
Everyone knew of Luis Montgomery and his beloved family. Some people found his wealth and status quite intimidating.
Luke's eyes widened significantly before he seemed to recover. "Luke Kingston," he moved all the items he was holding to one hand and held the other out for Charlotte to shake. She did, giving him a firm squeeze before stepping back, right by my side I noticed smugly. I placed a hand on the small of her back self-consciously.
"Well Mr. Kingston, I believe it's best that you get back to work-"
"Actually, Mr. Hyland, I'm going on break in a few minutes. I could take over and show Ms. Montgomery around...if that's what Ms. Montgomery wants, of course," the kid rambled, his eyes skirting between Charlotte and I nervously.
Before I could turn him down, the thought of leaving him with Charlotte made me feel uneasy, Char piped in.
"Sure, I think I've took enough of Jay's time," Charlotte giggled, looking up at me.
"Cool," Luke grinned.
"Right, cool," I muttered, staring blankly at him.
"See you in half a hour," Charlotte chirped, reaching up to peck me on my cheek, just like she use to do dozens of times before she left for Miami.
"Lead the way," Charlotte jokingly ordered Luke.
"Of course m'lady, your chariot awaits," Luke chuckled.
It wasn't until they were out of sight that I felt unexplainable rage boiling in my veins.
I wanted to break something.
But instead I turned around and quietly went back to the elevator. All the while, Charlotte's kiss seemed to burn me.


"College was...okay," Charlotte frowned, playing with her food absentmindedly.
I swallowed the food I was chewing before I spoke. "Did you not like it?"
"Well...you know how I graduated high school a year early? It was kinda hard making friends when all they wanted to do was go to clubs," she shrugged her shoulders sheepishly. "Freshmen year was pretty boring but it got better as each year went by."
I hummed in understanding, taking a sip of my wine. After Charlotte got back from the tour I was suppose to give her, I showed her her desk, her new email, how to answer the phone and transfer calls and a few other mediocre things. The day was a complete success if I do say so myself, besides the little tantrum I threw at having Charlotte taken away from me. But I just dubbed my strange behavior on not seeing her in so long. And comforted myself with the fact that Charlotte was having dinner with me and not that boy.
I cleared my throat. "Do you still talk to some of your friends?"
She nodded her head. "Some of them even moved to New York too. My best friend from high school moved to Japan though so I only get to see her through Skype."
"Wow. Japan. What made her move there?" I asked.
"She's originally from there, I guess she wanted to spend sometime with her family." Charlotte took a bite of her salmon.
"Well that's cool," I murmured. "Any...uh, boyfriends?" I awkwardly asked. It was a perfectly acceptable question, right? It wasn't like I had ill intentions, unlike Kingston...
Charlotte giggled. "Nope. I haven't dated in, like, a year. Boys are too much of a distraction. What about you? How long has it been since you and Becky divorced?"
"Two years, I believe, and no. I've been focusing on my job, trying to make it bigger," I chuckled uncomfortably.
"Why not? Women probably throw themselves at you," Charlotte joked, reaching out to hold one of my fingers, another habit of hers when she was younger.
I shrugged, looking away from her sparkling eyes.
"Would you two like a dessert?" The waitress asked, appearing out of nowhere, popping the bubble Charlotte and I seemed to have wrapped ourselves in.
"No thanks, I'm stuffed," Charlotte patted her flat stomach.
"Just the cheque, please," I pulled my hand away from Charlotte, already missing the warmth she seemed to radiate.
"Of course sir," she pulled the leather folder from her apron and handed it to me before zipping away.
"You sure you still don't want any ice cream? It doesn't have to be banana," I grinned cheekily.
She stuck her tongue out at me. "It's fine, maybe another day."
When our cheque was finally settled, I led Charlotte outside where my car and her driver waited for us.
"I really had fun today Jay," Charlotte sighed, wrapping her arms around my waist to hug me. I returned it with a kiss on the top of her head. I didn't trust myself to kiss her anywhere near those tempting lips of her, I hate to admit it.
"I did too, sweetheart. It was good catching with you," I sighed, rubbing her back before stepping away. "Have a goodnight."
"You too, Jay," she yawned before stepping into the town's car. I loosened my tie as I rounded my car to the driver's side, slipping in, right when Charlotte's drive pulled off the sidewalk. A hand peeked out the window and waved.
I honked my horn lightly in acknowledgement.


While taking my shower I tried to ignore the throb between my legs, knowing who's face would pop up the second I tried to soothe it.
I scrubbed my body harder until I was red before I finally gave in.
I tried to image someone other than her, like...like Megan Fox or Zoe Saldano but...
Megan Fox's hair kept turning blonde and Zoe's brown eyes kept turning green and...and...
"Oh Charlotte," I groaned, throwing my head back and speeding my hand up as I imagined her on her knees, my cock in her small hands. "Oh baby, yes!"
I bet she's a naughty girl, pretending to be an angel. I bet she likes it rough and dirty and...
I exploded and shouted Charlotte's name. There was no warning. No tingling. It was as if someone sat a bomb in me and my knees nearly buckled from the intensity.
I stood there, panting as the water washed away the evidence. Maybe this will be enough. It wasn't like I had to tell her. Fantasies never hurt anyone...
But I couldn't help but want...more.

A/N: howdy y'all c: sorry for the wait. im attempting to have a life while taking summer classes and lol i hate school.
but anyways, youll learn more about Jason's past and Becky in later chapters.
also im attempting to semi-ease into their relationship. i might get lazy tho and just let them go crazy.
im attempting to write majority of this story in Jason's POV
i will try to post at least once a week, twice at the most
i love you guys <3 thx for reading.
comments motivate me to write c:

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