It Isn't Right

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Listen to my heartbeat as it spells your name
I know, it isn't right.
Together or not it screams the same
I know, it isn't right.
Feel my chest when our eyes meet
I know, it isn't right.
You're the vibrant color to my empty sheet
I know, it isn't right.

The daylight's gone and you're smiling beside me
I know, it isn't right.
Just yours and no conversation can please me
I know, it isn't right.
I wanna touch my lips to yours so gently
I know, it isn't right.
The butterflies in my stomach it kills me
cause I know, it isn't right.

I loved you from the first time I saw you
I know, it wasn't right.
After a little my guard was down for you
I know, it wasn't right.
I wanted to fight when you let loose
I know, it wasn't right.
But you fought for her while I fought for you
and I know, it wasn't right.

After a bad end something opens up anew
I know, it isn't right.
I hate to admit but this time I don't wanna lose you
I know, it isn't right.
Scared our past might become our future too
I know, it isn't right.
Could I be falling or am I still inlove with you?
I know, it isn't right.

— Samantha Noelle (02/21/18)

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