Breast Feeding (not mine)

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Niall: Your three week old son has been waking you and Niall up for the past two weeks; since you brought him home. All day, everyday would be a struggle for you both to just stay awake. You knew that he always was crying from lack of milk at the right time; it took awhile to get the milk ready. So you had both agreed on you breastfeeding. Niall mainly agreed because as the time came for you to breastfeed, your boobs were bigger. He just simply enjoyed it; he was like a little boy when it came to it. But your son woke you up tonight, and you were ready. You sighed, getting out of bed as Niall followed behind you. “What are you doing?”, you asked. “I wanna watch. It’s the first time you’re doing it.” You chuckled tiredly as you made your way in the nursery. You cooed at you baby and picked him up, kissing his forehead. You knew how to breastfeed like a pro, so you just let it happen. The baby finally got use to it, and eventually calmed down. “This is a beautiful thing,” Niall said as you playfully kicked his leg.

Harry:  "Harry! How do I do it?!", you half-whispered, half-yelled. "I don’t know, I’m the husband! I don’t have the boobs!" You both were very awkward when it came to things like this. "Babe. Just put her up to your boob. Let her suck!" You both laughed at how perverted that sounded, but you did what he said and it eventually worked. You looked at him with a smile on your face and he leaned down to kiss your head, "See? Daddy always knows best."

Liam: You were in your nursery before Liam had gotten home, breastfeeding. You rocked your baby back-and-forth while you sang sweetly to her. You heard Liam walk in the house, and you heard his footsteps getting closer. “Hi love.”, you said. “Hi hon.”, he said kissing you and the baby. “She’s so peaceful.” You smiled, “I love this family, Li.” He smiled back, kneeling down beside you. “I love us too,” he said looking at your daughter lovingly, “and this is hot.” You playfully gasped, “Liam! I am feeding our baby.” He chuckled, “In the hottest way possible.” He smirked and grabbed your hand. “I’m being serious.”

Zayn: Zayn was rocking your daughter on the rocking chair, although nothing seemed to be working. The baby kept crying and he began getting irritated, as all men do. “Babe.”, Zayn whined. “C’mere please.” You ran into the bedroom, “Oh I’m sorry.”, you said grabbing the baby and setting up for you to breastfeed. “You’re lucky I’m the one with the milk”, you joked. He laughed, “Yeah, but you’re the only woman i know who’s strong enough to handle it.” You smiled and looked at your baby, who began drifting off into a peaceful sleep again.

Louis: "Hi doll.", Louis said as he came in the living room. "This is a sight I’ll never get tired of seeing." You scoffed, "Don’t get used to it after awhile." "And the reason is?", he asked confused. "The baby is at the age now where she can handle changing from my milk, to regular milk." He pouted, "But why?", and he whined. "It’s tiring Lou!", you said in defense. "Well I’m gonna see those bombers again. Believe me.", he said as he took a sip of his water.

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