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The wind blew rapidly as Dr. Christian Helms made her way to her laboratory. Her hair waved in the wind making her curls tangle as she walked down the rocky path which lead to the mouth of the building or door as you people say. She stopped on the cement square no bigger than a porch and twisted the gold shiny knob. She then pulled it as a gold sliver of light hit her face showing her faint freckles that brought out her deep blue eyes. She squinted her eyes as she extended a foot that was wearing a black heel and stepped in closing the white door behind her as she observed her surroundings closely. The smell of a peach cigar filled the room making her frown for only one reason and that's because she knew who it was. Allison Bellwether. A short tempered stubborn as a mule ginger who was a Scorpio at the age of 25. The female seemed a bit cocky at the moment as she put the brown cigar to her mouth sucking in the smoke then blowing it out. Christian shook her head taking her white trench coat off and hung it up on the small arm like hooks. Strange. Christian then took a small elastic band while starring Allison down like a vulture that's gone days without a meal. She bunched her hair up in a bun and pulled her shirt off showing off a navy blue tank top. She then slipped out her skirt which had compression shorts under it and she took her heels off. Allison licked a dry spot on her lips as she watched the brunette get ready to do what only one man had ever had the courage to do. Time travel. Christian made her way to the center of a circle that was blockaded with glass walls that were crystal clear.

" Do you have any clue what you're doing doll?" Allison said with a smirk as she made a O with the smoke in her mouth " Because I don't think ya do see sweet pea this might kill ya are you okay with that?" Christian turned to her hair falling down her shoulders as she did. " Why yes yes I am." The angered female said as she turned back around and said " Do me a favor Allison drop the cigar it's not lady like for a girl like you." Allison sucked her teeth while throwing a half smoked cigar to the ground stomping down with her left foot. " Are you sure you wanna do this Chris?" " If I don't do it someone else will and I'm not having it." With this Allison flipped a few switches, turned a few knobs, and pushed a few buttons. The wind inside the accelerator picked up making a mess out of Chris's hair and the POOF! She was gone. Allison was impressed but didn't say anything about project Quantum Leap.

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