Chapter 1: Central City

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"The Flash our once hero of Central City is no where to be found." Iris types into her computer for her upcoming article. "Leaving every citizen having to defend for ourselves. People still question rather or not if he's dead or just lurking in the shadows waiting for a much bigger threat on Central City." Iris stops slowly relaxing back into her chair. She didn't like writing this Article, but as a reporter it was her job to write information for the people. With every word she typed hurt her, the Flash wasn't just her hero, but also her best friend. She knew exactly who was under the mask she have been living with that person her whole entire life. 

"Hey, honey." She looked over and saw her dad, Joe walk in with food from Jitters. Iris hasn't dare stepped foot in that place since the accident. Jitters used to be Iris's and Barry's place they would always go as soon as they both got off from work. "I just wanted to drop by and seeing how you are doing, and also bringing your favorites." Joe said trying to force a smile. "Thanks." Iris muttered under her breath looking back at her computer of the article she still needed to finish. "I'm still working on this article." She told joe after seeing his glaze look towards to see what she was working on. "I'm sorry honey that must be hard." Joe said leaving the smile from his face to drift away. He knew how hard Barry's death was for everyone, but especially Iris. Barry was only her best friend, but also the love of her life. 

"I have to get back to work, but just call if you need anything." Joe says leaving with a kiss on her cheek. Iris finishes up her article and heads room, to what used to be her and Barry's apartment. The funeral was bad enough for her to deal with, but now some nights Iris had trouble sleeping, she started sleeping on the couch. It had been 6 months since the incident, Iris knew something needed to change. She just couldn't go on like this, miserable and full of sadness trying not to show it towards her dad especially. 

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