Super Family

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Third persons POV

Peter limped into the abandoned alley where his stuff was hidden. His side was bleeding profusely being stabbed by goblin a few minuets ago. Blood trailed behind him but he paid it no mind the only objective in his mind was getting home to his aunt May who was probably worried of him.

School let them go early today because of Goblin attacking  his school , and the young seventeen year old let had to lead that guy away from it. Two hours later he was able to beat goblin but that guy was very persistent and ran away bloody even with his somewhat armor.

Leaving Peter bloody and beaten.

When Peter arrived at the old and stinky trashcan he found his bag behind it. He snatched his bag away from the ground set it gently on the lid of the trashcan.

He rummaged through his bag for his emergency bandages he couldn't go home with blood seeping through his clothes now can he? When he found it he pumps his arm in triumph but immediately regretted the action as he felt his wounded flesh ripping even more crating multiple violent ripples of pain to spread through his body. He let out a cat like hiss of pain.

He then took deep breaths as he attempted to numb the feeling of pain creeping through his body. Gently he grabbed some of his extra clothes and softly dabbed the edge of his wound wiping the blood that was slowly as continuously flowing from it.

He wrapped the bandages to his side , attempting to cover as much as possible. He then slowly grabbed the clothes he was wearing earlier today first his pants , his black converses then the his blue shirt with ' Scientifically Rockin' printed on it. 

Slowly , minding his injury , he slipped in his bag , then he slipped off his mask revealing his slightly tanned milky skin, pink soft lips , long girlish lashes, warm kind chocolate brown eyes, and his silky soft brown hair. He grabbed his bag then dropped his mask inside just beside his camera. He then insecurely closed it .

The little arachnid turned around then started to fast walk out of the alley. He didn't notice his camera dropping and flinging out of his bag onto a full trash bag landing with a soft and inaudible thump.

Peters Home• Aunt Mays House•

Peter slowly opened the door then yelling. " Aunt May I'm home!"
When he didn't hear and answer he went into the kitchen expecting to see his aunt cooking with her earphones on. But when he didn't hear sizzling he began to fast walk, not trusting his body to run and not worsen his wound. Well at least he was healing, he ha a great healing factor.

"Aunt May?" Peter asked softly into the deserted kitchen. He then saw a note, breathing out in relief Peter went to see what was written in the said note that was sticked on the fridge with a magnet.

It read:
Peter dear, I'm going out to get groceries. I'll be back at five.
Love ,
Aunt May

Peter stared at the nite for a minuet , then craning his neck to look the hanging wall clock to his right. Noticing that it was already six. Peter began to panic again, before he could bolt out of the kitchen a ring from the telephone from his left stopped the web-head.

His Spidye senses were starting to tingle . But he had to answer ,the manners aunt May taught him were drilled to his mind, and it considered rude to not answer a call.

He neared the phone , picked it up then he gently placed it beside his ear .
" Hello? How may I help you?"  Peter said politely to whomever was on the other side of the phone. The person on the other lines breath hitched until they finally answered.

" Is this Peter Parker? Nephew of May Parker?" The person from the other line said in a feminine voice , indicating that the person was definitely a woman.

" Yes this is he. What is it you need ma'am ? And may I ask who this is?" Peter said as clear as he can after he felt another pulse of pain on his side.

" This is from (insert name of hospital) Hospital reception , your aunt has been caught in an accident with a robbery in the grocery store , she was shot on her chest , she is currently in the emergency in surg-" before the lady could finish Peter had already dropped the telephone, and was already sprinting towards the exit. Completely ignoring the blood that was slowly seeping on his clothes. The pain from his injury was numb all he could feel was worry , worry for his aunt and panic.

Once he was out of the door he closed it with a bang, then locked it. He slipped the keys into his pockets he now noticed the blood , he cursed inwardly. But the only thing in Peters mind was his sweet and kind aunt. With that he continued to sprint to the hospital.

With his enhanced physical abilities Peter was already halfway to the hospital , and with most of the citizens eating in their own homes there were only a few people walking through the streets and there were only a few cars racing past the roads. So it was a bit convenient, , it was rather suspicious if you see a teen sprinting with blood dripping from his clothes. So he preferred to stick within the darkness of the night.

Peter then turned towards a certain alley where he was sure was a short cut to the hospital, he had already memorized the layout of the city so that was convenient for him in more ways than one.

He had passed a few alleys , only two more then turn right and he would be at the hospital, but then this is where his wound became a big problem.

Black dots started to dance in his vision, again he cursed but this time rather loudly. His running skidded to a stop as his feet wobbled. His whole body started to sway the last thing he remembered were footsteps nearing him, a shout , him falling and then warm and strong arms thing his falling body then the familiar warmth of darkness.

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