The Secret-Ch1

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A secret.

A simple, small secret.

A secret, that if anyone knew, I would cease to exist.

Everyone will trust me but, I will never trust them.

Keep my secret and I'll let you live.

Reveal it, and you will die in a matter of seconds.

It's your choice, whether you live, Or die.


Welcome to my dark and twisted world.

Everyone's chance of survival is slim, they just don't know they can die in a matter of seconds.

I give them chances, sometimes.

I am the living life force that maintains balance throughout human life.

I take form as an everyday human. I challenge you, test you, to see whether your soul is good enough, to continue forward.

If there is to much malice within you, I shorten the time you live until you change. IF, you change that is.

I have met 2 people who actually shortened their own time.

I became an acquaintance to them and, help release the weight of the world of their shoulder.

They had the purest hearts I have ever known.

Yet, their own thoughts clouded them, and they ended their own life.

I never trusted anyone after that...

I hope I scared you.

Enjoy your life from now on.


Her secret- I can't tell him I cheated on him.

His secret- I can't tell her I killed someone

Their secret is not safe.

Who will spill the wine on the carpet first?

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