Lies And Power [10]

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[The Funeral, and Me Not Attending]

I was standing next to the broken window, alone in the room. It had been two days since the battle, and I knew I would never be the same. I had been feeling depressed, and weird. Whatever my mother had put in me was affecting me.

There was something weird about the room. A feeling of discomfort and death hung like a curtain. Blood stains were still on the carpet, and the whole place was wrecked.

Two hundred were killed last night. The Jerans were losing. The damned, the shifters, everyone was ahead of us now. There was something that never should have happened, and it was this.

I guessed why they had attacked. When I had asked Garret, he wouldn't look at me. There was only one reason they had come, only one reason they had killed so many. To get someone. That someone was me.

The race for survival suddenly seemed pointless. I was wearing all black today. Today was my father's funeral. About three hundred Jerans remained, and mourned the loss of their father, of their king, of their savior for so many years. My father.

The city was a wreck. The same window we had seen the damned coming into the city, was the same window I was standing at now. The same window of my mother's entrance. The same window my fate was destined for me. The window of my life.

I realized that we didn't have destiny's. No one did. You had to make your own.

The funeral was going down below me. I watched as the casket holding my father was held aloft, up into the air. I heard the cries of the Jeran's and their pain of loss.

There were silent tears streaking down my face. I wouldn't be able to stand seeing my father up close. There wasn't any reason too. If it wasn't for me, my father wouldn't be dead. If I hadn't helped Ashley, this wouldn't have happened. If I hadn't come here....

It was my home. It was my birthplace... and also my death place- the death of my soul as it used to be. I wasn't normal, and I had to grasp that knowledge. There was no turning back, for all it was worth.

I suddenly felt a light touch on my shoulder. I didn't look back, already smelling the stench. Somehow, I knew it was a werewolf. And Garret wouldn't touch my shoulder like that.

There was something inside of me that changed my sense of smell, hearing, and emotions. It was like I was a vampire.

I didn't look back, and she tried to move my head to look at her. I didn't let her. I wouldn't let myself be tempted to desire, even the desire of friendship. I didn't deserve it.

"Jake... I-" She started. I lightly shook my head. She growled, and stepped in front of me. "Look, what happened to your father, we all know it was MY fault, and not yours. I should have seen the stupid creature coming at me, but you want to know what I was looking at?" She demanded.

I closed my eyes, and lightly stepped away from her. I could feel an emotion inside of her. It was sorrow... and love. I couldn't get captured in this. I hated love. All it did was ripping you apart, slowly over time.

She saw my expression, and her face dropped. She took a deep breath, and tried to calm down. I could feel desire rushing deep inside of her. Then I had a sudden idea. There was a way to trick her into getting what I wanted... what I NEEDED.

I slowly stepped up to her, and lightly lifted her head. I heard her heart start to pound a thousand times faster. Wait... HEARD? I wanted to start screaming. I think it was the vampires SOUL she put in me. I lightly brushed my lips against hers, and she almost attacked me.

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