The elf simply watched as he took a hold of the lancing device and pressed it against his finger before pushing down. Legolas blinked, having felt nothing more than a pinch and watched as he pressed around the tiny wound to draw out blood. He used both of the gadgets that measure his iron and glucose levels before setting them aside, swiftly wrapping his finger into a band-aid.

"That wasn't too bad." Legolas stated, pleased with how quick it was.

"Oh, we're not done yet." Jupiter tried hard not to snicker as he held up a prepackaged, unused butterfly needle, "I still need enough blood to test and examine it more thoroughly."

Remember when he had questioned himself if he should be scared by the expression on his face? Now he was most definitely sure he should be. At this point, he has given up protesting and resorted to muttering, "Do what you must."

"Don't worry, I've done this to Manny a couple of times when she got really sick." He told him as he picked up the tourniquet, pushing up the other's short sleeve in order to tightly tie it around his arm. After sanitizing the inside of his elbow, he prepared the butterfly needle that already had the end connected to collect the blood, "It doesn't hurt as much as you think, but it feels a bit weird. Now clench your hand into a fist."

Legolas obeyed and Jupiter faltered for a moment at the sight of his muscles flexing, but he quickly turned his attention back to finding a vein, which was not hard. Without any warning, he careful inserted the needle and he flinched. Jupiter shook his head slightly at the sight of him staring at the blood flowing through the thin tube. "Will you do this to the others?" Jupiter only nodded. They fell into a comfortable silence, the both of them watching his blood being collected.

"Your eyes and hair..." The red head looked up at his words and cocked an eyebrow at how intensely he was staring at him, "I have never, in the thousands of years I have lived, seen colors such as those from a man."

"Blame my genetics." He grumbled as he turned his gaze back to the butterfly needle, a bit disgruntled, "At least you can tell it's not fake." And it was a perfectly reasonable thing to think considering no one's natural hair color isn't as red as the blood he was drawing out of the elf nor are anyone's eyes the color of a deep gold. Well, unless he was unaware of someone having those things. His birth parents surely had these features so there should at least be one other person in the world that has gold eyes.

It only took a few more minutes before he untied the tourniquet. Gauze prepared, he pressed it over the needle before pulling it out and setting it aside. He secured the gauze with medical tape before patting his knee, "You did great. Now get the hell out of my lab and have Manny bring the next one in."

Though what he said was rude, Legolas clearly saw the teasing smirk on his face and simply gave a roll of his eyes before going back the way he had came. Ignoring the light throb in his arm as he quickly returned to the living room, he furrowed his brows as he heard chatter coming from it.

"Do you have an Ace of Hearts?"

"Wha- You cheated! It's impossible that you are getting this many, Pippin!"

"Well, have you considered that it is because I am just good at this game, Merry?"

"Boys, boys, c'mon, it's just a game..."

Legolas entered the room and simply stared at what was in front of him. Everyone was gathered around the coffee table that had cards placed on it, couches and chairs pulled closer to it. They all held various amounts of cards in their hands and were all trying hard not to laugh at the small argument between the two hobbits. The sight gave him the smallest of smiles, glad that all of their minds were taken off of what had happened merely hours ago.

Screw You, Jupiter [DISCONTINUED/REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now