I: The One Where Her Fiancé Becomes Her Ex

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I: The One Where Her Fiancé Becomes Her Ex

"The path to freedom is illuminated by the bridges you have burned, adorned by the ties you have cut, and cleared by the drama you have left behind. Let go. Be free."
Steve Maraboli

Grumbling to myself, I pushed through the glass doors of the towering building. I was tempted to turn around and give the middle finger to the sixth story window. I knew my now ex-fiancé would be standing at that window, watching the streets below him and probably hoping I would get run over by one of those stupid big blue buses with the dental advert on the side. Pity he turned out to be a shit stain of a human being because he was a damn good lawyer, and my sister had needed his help with her divorce. It now seemed she would be paying her alimony with by selling her kidney on the black market and getting joint custody of her kids because I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

Charles Winston, known not-so-affectionately as Charlie, was my saving grace almost three years ago. Now he was a thorn in my right side, ending our engagement because I "needed too much." It was too much that I needed him to actually act like he was my fiancé and help me pick out a stupid cake flavor before our wedding. You know the one where I was the bride and he was the groom. The man couldn't even just spend time with me. It was also too much that I'd appreciate it if he didn't sleep with his secretary when they went to New York once a month.

I huffed and glanced up against my better judgement. There he was, just as I suspected. He wanted to be sure I made it down the six floors and out the door without making an even bigger scene. I'm surprised he didn't try to push me down the elevator shaft just to keep his reputation intact. I stood in the middle of the sidewalk as I stared up at him and hoped this would be the last time I saw him.

Fat chance.

My phone ringing cut through my anger, and I answered as I began to walk to my apartment building. I knew I wouldn't regret signing another lease two months ago, even though Charlie was opposed. "Hello?" My voice was like the bark of a pit bull trying to defer a trespasser. Today had thoroughly annoyed me, and I didn't want to be talking to anyone.

"Ava, I'm so glad I was able to get a hold of you." My heart dropped into my stomach at the sound of my sister's voice, and I was almost sure I was going to lose my mind by the end of the call. "I was hoping you could take a few files to Charlie. I need to get this finalized before I go to Cabo. Fernando wants me to meet his mother and father." My sister, Lexi, was a good mother and a horrible wife. She was also filthy rich and loved anyone else who was filthy rich. That's why she loved Charlie and also why she fell in love with Fernando after her husband's company declared bankruptcy. It was only solidified when her husband lost his other job.

I cleared my throat. I could see the top of my building as I walked. "Mr. Winston and I are no longer together." I prepared myself for the scolding of the century. Once I told Lexi, my mother and her sisters would be calling me nonstop. If you wanted something to spread like wildfire, you told Lexi. She knew all the gossip and told everyone about it.

"You're kidding, Ava. You've got to be kidding. You couldn't wait until after my divorce was finalized? You couldn't wait until your nieces and I were safely in Cabo with Fernando?" She groaned loudly, and I could picture her thumping her head against the wall of her kitchen as I finally reached the beautiful brick building I had abandoned temporarily for Charlie's glass nightmare. Everything in his life was glass apparently, including his heart.

"I'm going to pretend that didn't come out of your mouth, Lexi." I huffed as I opened the outer door. My mailbox was going to be so full. I almost sighed in relief when I unlocked it to find only half as much as I thought. There was also a bright pink note on top. I frowned and reached in to get it.

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