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PUBLISHED: 10/04/2020
^Y'all know I had to include our brother Bark.

I was walking my new puppy, Bark, in the gardens of the castle. Thomas, Gally, Teresa, Ava, and Father walked up to me. I stood up and curtsied.

"(Y/N)," Father began, "The Prince just left – He complained that you were being rude."

"He wouldn't let me talk, Father. I tried to get a sentence in and he always kept on cutting me off, until I finally got sick of it and cut him off, then he just glared at me for the next five minutes then walked off." I explained.

"Did you glare back?" Thomas, Theresa's husband, asked.

"Yes." I said proudly.

"That's the way!" Gally, Ava's son, cheered.

Father let out a long breath through his nose.

"That's it. Ava, Gally, we'll hold a draw for a husband for (Y/N). Every man of age shall be in it." Father declared, and Ava, Papa's right hand woman, nodded.

"I'll get the scribes to make the posters now, King Janson." Ava replied as she and Gally started walking briskly back to the castle.

"But Father, what if I get stuck with some old man?" I asked, "And I don't want to be in a forced marriage!"

"Then you get stuck with an old man, and you should've thought about that before you ran off the last Prince!" Father snapped, then recomposed himself and walked off.

"Tommy and I have to go and calm Father down, little sister. We will be back soon though." Teresa said, then gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Bye, Tessie." I said as she walked back off with Thomas.

"Is your Father mad at you again, Miss (Y/N)?" I heard a soft voice question.

I turned around, and there was Charles, better known as Chuck, a cook's son. He came over and played with Bark, who let out yips of excitement.

"Hello, Chuck." I greeted with a warm smile, "It's nothing he won't get over, I assure you."

Chuck opened his mouth to say something in reply, but someone beat him to it.

"Oi, Chuck! You shouldn't be annoying Princess (Y/N) like that!" Someone chastised.

I held in a groan. Newt Green. He was the Head Gardener's son, and very annoying. He took over the spot of Head Gardener after his Father passed away.

When we were little he would bully me endlessly, and he's stopped now that he's older because he's gained a bit of common sense.

I turned around, and there Newt was standing.

"Mr. Green, if Chuck was annoying me I would've sent him away by now." I pointed out.

Newt smirked, "You never know with you, Princess (Y/N). You're too polite to tell a fly to bugger off."

"That may be true, but I am impolite enough to tell you to do just that." I shot back, "So leave."

I heard Chuck laugh, making me grin.

"Look, Miss (Y/N), he's tending to roses. One of your favourite flowers." Chuck pointed out.

"I heard her say that roses were her favourite once or twice." Newt said, and the tips of his ears went pink.

It was probably because of the sun.

"These are the ones I planted the year before last, I did a bit o' pruning." Newt explained.

Chosen - Newt X Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now