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Taehyung's POV

I always tried to be unnoticed, because I always thought I shouldn't get attention, since I was worth nothing anyways. But it doesn't seem to work, no matter how hard I try. Every time I open the door, everyone just stares and whispers, which I always wondered why. Was it because I was horrible to look at? Or was it because they knew that I was lower than them? Were they thinking on how to make me suffer? Whatever it was, I knew it wasn't good.

I was tired today, like everyday. I had to stay up late because my parents were yelling at me. I touched my thigh, which hurt like hell, since there was a big bruise on there. I sighed and I looked up at the ceiling. I deserve this, I deserve to suffer. Tears were threatening to escape. Who would've thought that someone would be getting beaten up by their parents instead of bullies at school. I gave a bitter chuckle, and I slam my locker closed.


The bell rang, signaling break, also known as alone time for me. I go to my hangout, which is hidden behind trees. I always loved this forest. I always felt safe. No parents, no people, just me. Or at least I thought.

I climb up the tree, stepping inside the tree house I built myself. The moment I step in, I find 6 unknown faces. Or should I say 6 familiar faces.

"What are you guys doing here? And how did you manage to find this place?" I ask with a shocked tone. There infront of me, stood 6 boys who I recognized as my only friends. They became my friends a long while back, when we were in 2nd grade, but one by one, they started leaving to the US to study abroad. We would still speak, except we would video chat instead of speaking face to face.

"Well..we used to hang out here together before, remember?"


Hello, so if there's any readers, well I am sorry for not updating. I have been busy with school, and life in general. I hope I will be able to write a fanfic worth reading.

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