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Hallo !!!
Salam kenal 😊😉

Kalian yang sudah baca cerita Novel Terjemahan yang aku upload atau yang akan upload di list cerita akun aku, disini aku akan share link nya 😁. Tapi, buat info aja, aku hanya share link nya setelah cerita nya uda END yah. Why?

Biar seru tau nggak!!! Hhehhe..

Jika ada Novel Terjemahan bagus menurut aku, Nii juga bakal recommend disini.

 Dan di memo ini juga, aku akan share info lain nya yang menurut aku perlu kalian yang baca cerita Niichan upload  tau yaa.. Jadi..

Happy Reading! 😉

Next 👇

✨ Niichan's Self Reminder ⬇

I think that I've given my best, but other people think differently.

Am I at my limits?

Or do people expect too much from me? I can't be the perfect girl, you want me to be.

I am just , It's me ...

You don't have to be perfect!
Be the best version of you.
Happiness comes from the simple things.


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