you stupid baby.

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Mommy left me on the corner. Didn't even let me grab my stuffy.  No paci, no stuffy no nothing. I sit down on the curb and try and control my sobs but i cant. Finally after awhile i get up and start walking. Dont know were but i just start. I make it to a coffee shop and ask the lady if i can get a glass of water. She asks if i want ice and i say it doesn't matter. She gets me a cup of water and puts a lemon wedge in it for me. After awhile i look around and see that this is the same shop mommy took me all the time for my hot chocolate.  I start to feel the tears coming again and i have to fight them back with everything ive got. The same lady that got my water for me comes over if theres anything she can get me. My tummy growls at me but i say no but thx anyways. She look's at me with those loving eyes that remind me of my mommy. Sorry old mommy. She walks back behind the counter and i hear her say something to someone but i cant make it out. After awhile i look at the clock and see it's almost 7 at night. The sun is starting to go down and then it hits me. I have nowhere to go tonight and no mommy to take care of me. I break down at that moment and the tears come crashing thru me. I cant stop and then that kind lady comes over and says its gunna be ok. She hugs me and i wrap my arms around her. At that moment i really break down. I start babbling and she's just hold me and rocking me back and forth. Finally i settle down enough and she asks me if i have anywhere to go. I say no and she tells me im coming home with her. She tells her friend or co-worker that she has to go. She grabs her purse and takes my hand and we go out side.  We hop in her car and her music blairs out this loud edm music. My ears perk up because i recognize the song. Its one of my faveys.

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