"Uno" yoongi said laughing widely.

"How the hell??" Namjoon asked confused.

"There's no way. Yoongi is a cheater. Honey, our baby is a cheater" TaeHyung said shaking his head turning towards hoseok.

"Oh please. Stop being jealous brats" yoongi said laughing.

They all went around one last time and yoongi won.

"YUSSSS BITCHES!!!" Yoongi got up and jumped around and danced crazily.

"I WON!!!" Yoongi stuck his tongue out at them

Jimin laughed as he shook his head while he was grabbing all the cards to put them back in the box.

"Yeah you won cause you cheated. I know you watch tutorials on how to win" namjoon complained loudly.

"Um no I don't and plus that's too much to do. I'd rather be eating or sleeping then watching uno tutorials if there's even uno tutorials" yoongi laughed and shook his head.

They all agreed and got up from the floor stretching.

"Let's play hide and seek" TaeHyung suggested.

"Yeah let's play it!! I haven't played that in a while" Jimin said excitedly.

"Okay I'll be it. Everyone else hide" Jungkook said.

Everyone ran away and went to go find their hiding places.

"5...6...7....8....9.....10. Ready or not here I come" Jungkook said in a sing-song voice.

He was walking through the living room first and he saw a large bump under the rug in the living room.

"Really?" Jungkook said under his breath and shook his head smiling.

He walked slowly towards the bump and pulled off the rug on top of the person.

"Really TaeHyung?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

"What?! That was the best hiding spot I've ever came up with. I was sure you weren't gonna find me there" TaeHyung said as he whined and went to go sit on the couch.

Jungkook chuckled and continued his journey on finding the rest of his hyungs.

He walked to the kitchen and heard a loud thud.


Jungkook chuckled and it sounded like it came from the pantry.

He walked into it and saw Seokjin crouched down munching on a big box of cracker jackers.

"Hyung really? This is your fantastic hiding spot?"

"Uhh yeah. Always go where the food is" Seokjin said sassily as he threw in more cracker jackers in his mouth.

Seokjin got up and walked past Jungkook eating loudly.

Jungkook laughed and turned around.

He found hoseok in the washing machine, Namjoon In the bathtub and he didn't even find Jimin or yoongi yet.

He walked towards his and jimins room and when he opened it up he couldn't believe his eyes.

Yoongi was laying in his and jimins bed knocked out, snoring loudly.

"Oh come on that's not even a hiding spot" Jungkook said shaking his head.

Seriously, what is with all these hiding spots?
Jungkook thought.

He turned back around and walked out the room.

"Where could my baby be?" He said scratching his head.

He heard moving in a closet he was next to.

He smirked and opened the closet door fast.

Jimin looked up from the floor and poured cutely as he got up from the floor.

"Awww I thought this was perfect" Jimin pouted.

Jungkook laughed and pulled jimin in a tight hug.

He kissed jimins neck and sucked on his neck hard causing Jimin to let out a few moans.

"My baby boy. My sexy, cute, adorable, funny, kind baby boy" Jungkook said in jimins ear in a raspy voice,

Jimin laughed and playfully hit Jungkooks butt.

"I love you Jungkook."

"I love you too jiminie baby"

They kissed and kissed and kissed until,




I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!!!!!!💕💕💕💖💗❤️💕💖💗❤️💕💖💗❤️💕💗❤️❤️



CUTIE - JIKOOK (under editing) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora