No chest no sex

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After school ended again I got real horny seeing seeing jc and Eric's titties  jiggle so I went to the bathroom and they noticed me gone so they followed behind me and pulled down my pants and it got so hot my nipples slid off my chest and I stopped them and told them something I've been hiding for the longest time ....I'm pregnant and I'm 27 months it belongs to this Mexican kid I used to fuck In case you can't tell I really love Mexican it just amazes me how they can get across such a big border and not get caught for many years anyways Xd they said it's alright even though you got pocket pussy you still got chest and we got chest fetish so we want your nipples to absorb our skeet and make another nipple baby  so we can suck all three of your titties idk why but hearing that made me real horny so I shoved jc's bald head up my ass and started making Eric suck my clit the only thing still attached on me then all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain and thought It was just my Aid Symptoms kicking in but I look down and my clot was in Eric's mouth cause somehow he detchard it from my pussy lol that wild beast so I got sent to the nurse and she gave me an ice pack and I went home and went to sleep .

Well guys I figured out today I have a sexually transmitted disease today and I'm a viengin

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