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My name is Stella and I'm 17, I'm one of the 'lucky' 3% of the population that didn't die. It has been a year now since the disease started the apocalyps. Everyone I knew is dead. The only exception being my brother Jason who is 18.

It's been a year since the disease spread. Jason and I were the only ones to survive on our town, and we haven't seen others in a couple months. I sometimes wonder if they're all dead and we are the only ones alive. But that's impractical we can't be the only humans left
alive...could we?

     We have been staying in our log hunting cabin that's camouflaged in the mountains. Before all this started my parents used to take us up there to hunt. My father taught Jason and I to use a gun and how to shoot a bow and arrow. I admit I was really bad with a bow, but Jason was really good. He has made me practice almost everyday, he says that we won't have guns forever the amo will run out eventually and I need to have a way to provide for myself if he ever dies. I hate thinking we could ever be separated, but would I even want to live if he died.. "for you my lady" Jason says as he plops onto the couch interrupting my thoughts while handing me a dandelion. I smile and hug him. Jason bringing me a flower is a kind of tradition, he always brings me one when he gets back from hunting. Usually we go together but he wanted to have a little alone time. I understand being with your sibling 24/7 can be annoying. I speak from experience.

     "Why you shouldn't have, kind sir" I say to him as I put the flower  in my hair. I set my book down of the coffee table. "Did you find anything" Jason sighs and shakes his head we've had a hard time finding any animals lately, we've had to survive on vegetables from our small garden. "Were going to have to leave and move somewhere els, there's just nothing here anymore". We've know we were going to have to leave our cabin eventually, the animals just weren't here anymore, maybe because we killed them or maybe because they got sick from the abandoned towns where they can now roam. I'm not sure which one it is.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask
"I think we should head further up north" he says "Be sure to stat packing your stuff, we will leave in five days" I nod and and kiss his cheek while giving him another hug "okay, goodnight" "sleep tight" he replies.

If you have any tile suggestion please tell me  I'd really appreciate it. I have no idea what to call this lol. This is also my first story so bear with me.

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