13. No Matter What It Takes

Start from the beginning

I rose from my slouched posture and held my fist up. "It is time to experience for myself. This time, I don't plan on being a child and running away from battle. Even if it kills me, you are not going to interfere with this mission." 

"Oh yeah?" He asked me in amused tone on his black side. 

"Hell yeah," I said and took a few steps forward. "Just be ready to get your ass kicked." 

I could tell that Usagi disapproved of what I was doing. The mission needed more time and I had to keep my enemy busy. I was mad at myself for being so quick to leave the battle earlier. He was a part of the Akatsuki, but he was the part that was my enemy. Usagi sighed and gave me a look. "I am leaving. You are left to handle this guy yourself." As soon as the last word left her mouth, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke. 

"Thanks Usagi," sarcastically, I said and rolled my eyes. "Now it is just you and me." 

"Bring it," his black side said and I grinned viciously. 

"Since you asked so kindly," I answered and ran towards him. Right away, we were in a tai jutsu battle. He kept attempting to grab my punches and kicks; he did actually catch my fist and feet a few times. Thankfully, I was able to move and launch myself away from him. 

Usagi's right, his touch is pretty creepy. I pondered in my mind. That isn't stopping me from kicking his ass though. 

"You know what; I am going to be kind enough to show you a move of mine." I said with a vicious grin on my face. "Be prepared to no longer have an ass." 

I sprinted forward, towards the enemy. A few feet away from the enemy, I flipped myself into the air. Quickly, I began to perform hand signs. When I was directly above him, which was when I let it all out. 

"Fire Jutsu: Giant Fireball!" I yelled and fire lunged out of my mouth towards the enemy. I smirked as I looked at my work, when the last spit of fire came from my mouth as I landed. The area where he was, had become black and small fires were trying to live. 

"You brat, you burned us a little." A voice said behind me and I rolled forward quickly. "You are going to pa-" The black side of him stopped in mid-sentence. "You are lucky we have to go this time." 

"No!" I yelled as he tried to go back into the ground. I lunged forward with a kunai in my right hand. My attempt to stab him did not go too well. The white side grabbed my wrist and chuckled darkly. 

"You should become better at good byes." He said and I could feel some of my chakra leave my body. "Good bye now." 

When he had let go of my wrist and fully disappeared, I collapsed onto the ground as I grabbed my wrist. Did he just take some of my chakra? I questioned myself as I forced myself to get up. Sakura and Granny Chiyo! I need to make sure that asshole didn't go to their battle. My legs began to move and soon I was running towards their battle. 

I continued to run towards their battle as quickly as possible. The air that had escaped my lungs left a burning sensation as I continued forward. I was determined to help the mission and to retrieve Gaara. He deserved his good life as the Kazekage. I can't be afraid to die on this mission. No matter what it takes, we are getting Gaara back. 

With that thought in mind, I ran as fast as I could. Any tree, bush, or grass area that I passed by felt a gust of wind. I had gotten to the speed where it was difficult to control. That did not matter to me at the moment, I continued forward. 

I saw them in the distance. They were running towards something. "Sakura," I roared in the loudest tone I could possibly muster. She looked back for second and saw me. When I was closer to her in distance, I saw the smile on her face. 

So he did not attack them? I asked myself mentally as I finally reached them. To stop myself, I flipped myself into the air and roughly landed on the ground. "Sakura how was your battle?" 

"It was well. I have some information on Orochimaru that I will tell you and the others about later. At the moment, we are trying to meet up with the others." Sakura said and I nodded my head. "You look exhausted." We then started to run towards the destination. 

"You shouldn't be the one to talk. I think we can agree we all look like shit." I said and Chiyo coughed. "I'm sorry we all do not look very nice." 

"Whatever they teach you in the Leaf Village," she muttered under her breathe. "Is most certainly not manners that you could use." 

I groaned at what she said. "Please tell me she is better once you get to know her. She looked so cool in Suna when she beat up Kakashi." I complained to Sakura. 

Most of the run to the destination place consisted of me complaining about Granny Chiyo and her complaining about me. Despite how it might have appeared to other people, it was a nice moment for all three of us. We were not in a battle against a strong Akatsuki member; instead we were having a complaining competition. It was nice. 

Despite how nice our complaining was, it stopped right away when we saw Gaara's dead body and everybody surrounding it. 


I apologize that this is on the short side. There was a bit of writers block for this chapter so it took some determination for this chapter. I hope you guys liked it though. (: I did not want to do the common thing and have Harmony interact with Naruto, Kakashi, and Deidara. I wanted her to do something different and this is what I came up with. One detail in this chapter will affect Harmony's life though. 

This might sound crazy but, I want to be caught up to the manga in this story and my Mika one. This summer I want to finish all three of my stories I have going at the moment, so I can focus on different ones for the school year. So I will have to do chapters that are directly involved with the plot. I do not plan on doing any funny filler chapters. You guys will just have funny plot chapters instead. 

What did you guys think of this chapter though? (: How are you on the path of life? 

Have a wonderful day and smile. c: 

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