Remember Me - Jonah x Zach

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"Ok Mr Herron, your tour guide is Jonah Marais. He will show you around the island. Have a good time!" The lady stepped aside showing off Jonah, then she scurried off leaving me and him behind.I smiled at Jonah and he smiled back.

"Nice to meet you" he says

"you too, so where first?" i shyly reply

"Oh yeah.. here"

He stepped up to me and gave me a map. I started to shiver at how close we were to each other.

"Here. you can chose. The place consists a beach, volcano, city, another beach where we would watch the sunset and eat dinner, then there is the fantastic mountain".

"Lets just go round in order" i suggested

"Yeah ok, follow me"

We walked around the beach, it didnt look the best but was beautiful in its own way. There were several plants and a simple sea shore.


When we were walking i coudnt help but stare at how beautiful Zach was. I know im just showing him around but i feel like we could have a really good bond.

"Come on, lets go in" i happily suggested 

"okay.. oh my its actually pretty warm!" 

"Maybe because people pee in it?" i questioned with a chuckle at the end.


"Maybe because people pee in it?" He questioned with a chuckle.

I coudnt help but giggle at what he said. I think i might be falling for him, WAIT NO, i cant he is my tour guide. Oh i hope these feelings go away soon.

After getting back into reality, i kicked water at him showing i was listening.

"Im joking calm down. its really because of the big rocks are keeping the cold water out" he laughed

"Wow its so beautiful!" 

"Not at beautiful as you" He muttered under his breath 

"What was that?"


"Oh ok where is next?" i questioned him

"Come, its the volcano next"

I followed him up to the volcano. It was a long walk but was totes worth it.

"Woah!" i said staring at the view

"Its it cool?" Jonah said whilst looking at me dead in the eyes

"Yes it is" looking back at him

I sighed happily because this trip was worth it. Me and Jonah sat on a rock, less than feet apart. His hand slowly inched towards mine but quickly took it back. I looked at him and he looked at me. The silence was hurting my ears so i broke it.

"W-we should carry on to the next one." 

"yeah" was all he said

Time skip

"That was really good omg" i was surprised at how good the food was

"Yes it really was!" He replied back

"Well it is the best restaurant in town" he said and smirked

"Oh shut up, i know" i laughed. He did aswel. He looked as if he wanted to hold my hand, but he quickly pulled back again.

"Its ok" i said

I reached for his hand and held it. A smile spread across his face, shinning happily like rainbow in the sky.


"I know im just your tour guide but you will remember me right?" i asked nervously 

"Of course ill remember you, and this. Who could forget!"

We walked out together still holding hands

"Wanna go see the starts?" i asked him

"yes please" i could see he started to shiver from the wind blowing against his small body.

"Its ok ill keep you warm" I said as i wrapped my arms around him

"Thanks Jo, What could i do to thank you?" He stared up at the stars

"Say you will remember me more than the starts in the sky"

->Words 618


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