Chapter 2- The Vein.

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Embarrassment doesn't even begin to describe my mood. An extremely handsome guy is living with me, and the woeful thing is, he's not even mine! He bares such a sense of mystery that is indefineable, I just need to be "cool"...which is mostly impossible.

Finally, night time rolled around and I was sort of getting used to a male presence in my dorm, is actually less lonely? I grabbed my facial wash and made my way to the dimly lit bathroom. Slowly, I turned of the tap in front of me and began to analyse the water temperature.
"Ahh!" Bellowed a deep, husky voice.
I turn around to see a muscular figure directly in front of me-naked.

We stared blankly for an awkward minute when Cove noticed he was in-fact nude. He rapidly scrambled for a towel and out of respect i shielded my youthful eyes.

"How much did you see?!" He exclaimed, the vein on his neck bulging out.
"It was an accident, Cove! I-I saw nothing!" I instantly replied.
He shot me a look of sadness and abruptly left the bathroom. Sometimes in this society, we really forget men can have body issues too, perhaps I just didn't think he'd be so upset?
Wow, we haven't even spent a night together and already, were fighting like cats and dogs.

I crawled into bed, still feel entirely guilty for the situation earlier. We share the same room and despite the silence, the tension was strong. I decided to push aside my thoughts and try and get some sleep, my first class was tomorrow and I'd be idiotic to be tired for it.

Woken. By a slither of golden sun piercing through the crack of the curtains. I glance towards Cove's bed, which is empty and folded with out any creases. Sluggishly, I roll out of bed and get dressed; I put on a baby pink skirt, companied by a white crop top and some knee high baby pink and white socks. I gather my laptop ad leave for my first class of photography! How will I do? I tried to focus but a lot grew in my stomach, thinking about Cove...


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