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  • Dedicated to you

once upon a time there was a kid so lame, people called him loser. loser was a loser. but he had dying love for a girl that was a nerd named laraiah. laraiah spent her summers doing math and other boring stuff. but, loser still loved her.

loser's real name was luke. 

everyday luke would try and avoid the bullies at school, michael and ashton. michael always dyed his hair wierd colors and it scared luke. ashton would always try to be punk rock, but in reality he was actually really lame.

a long long time ago luke, michael, and ashton were BFFs but then one day, luke insulted michael by saying his hair color was ugly, and said ashton wasnt punk rock and he was actually punk pebble.

ashton and michael hated luke from then on, and turned everyone in the school against him.

today was luke's birthday. he was turning 18.

"yay now im legal!" luke said to himself when he woke up.

he went to school happy. would ashton and michael be mean to him on his birthday? 

when luke got to school he saw ashton and michael smiling and holding cake. luke hopped over to them and smiled as well. 

"happy birthday!" ashton said and then threw the cake at luke's face. "loser!"

luke started to cry when he saw laraiah walk over and kiss ashton on the cheek.

"hi baby" ashton said and grinned evily at luke. ashton and michael both knew that luke had a major crush on laraiah.

"what a cry baby!" michael said and pushed luke.

luke ran away in tears, he couldnt see properly so he ran into someone.

"ouch!" the guy he ran into screamed.

luke looked up and saw an asian looking guy.

"who are you?" luke asked.

"im calum." asian boy said.

"im luke. but people call me loser." luke sighed. 

"cool nickname." calum sniggered.

"thanks!" luke said, and felt someone shove him into calum.

"haha gay!" he heard harry styles, the schools quarterback scream. a bunch of kids laughed.

"shut the fuck up styles! listen here you cunt, do not mess with me you manwhore. i will end your sorry ass life!" calum sreamed and slapped harry.

harry got angry and punched luke.

"what the fuck man? he didnt even do anything!" calum yelled.

"he breathed." harry said solemly.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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