⚠️Before You Read⚠️

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Henlooooo. I'm Tondeiru, Tonny for short. :3 Before I actually post some oneshots, there are some things that I feel like I should inform you all about. Consider this a warning before you read. :]

1. This will contain self-insert fanfics. Meaning I, Tonny, will be in the fanfics and therefore will be interacting with canon characters.

2. My self-insert will be paired with certain canon characters. These canon characters in particular are ones that I have a crush on in real life. Most of these characters are anthropomorphic / non-human.

3. My main purpose of this is self-care/venting. If I have personal problems then I will write these oneshots to cope with those problems.

4. These oneshots will most likely contain suggestive content in the future. It will not be complete NSFW, but it may contain some small elements of it. I have a safe rating on it for now, but it will change once I do add some lewd stuff to it.

Overall, this book may contain my self-insert character, as well as some pretty personal stuff. I know that some of you may think that the concept of me shipping myself with canon characters is "cringy" and that my self-insert may be a mary-sue (although I'll have to disagree on that; I have flaws). You guys have the complete right to dislike this, but I kindly ask that you keep the hate/flames to yourself. If you really need to say something critical about my fanfics, then you are more than welcome to comment on the structure of them! Seriously, it's been a very long time since I've written fanfiction, so my writing may be a little rusty. I'm always willing to improve! ^-^

That's all I have to say! Go ahead and read my fanfics now, if you want! ^.^

P.S. Sorry if I sound like an asshole; I just wanted to warn you all ahead of time of what this book will be about. ^^;

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