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I woke up and got out of my Sacrophagaus I walked out of my tomb to find something to do.

I liked Sophia,but, She is very complicated like me and I feel really bad for doing those things to her I want to make it up to her.

I made my way to her exhibit.


I wokeup and I got out of my coffin I looked around to see Ahk standing there "Can I help you" I said brushing down my dress

"Im sorry for what I said to you" he said moving closer to me.

"It's ok I'm sorry too" I said smiling

"So do you want to play something with me" He asked

"Yeah sure" I said walking out with him as we walked I started singing.

As I sung my voice echoed around the halls,Ahk stopped so I did, I looked at him he was looking at me in awh "What?" I asked him
"Your voice is so beautiful" he said smiling
"Thankyou" I said blushing and smiling

We continued to walk for a bit "Lets play hide and seek" I said jumping up and down
"Ok I will count first" He said covering his eyes and counting I quickly ran off a tired to find a hiding stop I went into the hall of Afican Mamals and hid in the jungle bit as it was dark in there I heard Ahk's distant voice " 7,.,8,.,9,.,10 Ready or not here I come" He yelled and then I heard his foor steps aproaching.

I kept quiet and I heard him leave the room I waited till I couldn't hear his foot steps I got out of the jungle I took a deep breath ready to run, I was about to take off until I got tackled I screamed jumping out of my skin. It was Ahk. I gently hit him on the arm " don't do that, New rules you have to catch me" I said quickly running away as fast as I could it took Ahk a few seconds to take in what I said before Running after me.


I ran after Sophia she was a fast runner but I was faster I sprinted through the halls and caught her she screamed again before slippimg out of my grip and running away "Im going to get you" I teased catching up with her again "Oh no you're not" She yelled behind to me before realising she was going into a dead end. Her back was against the wall and she looked at me Inocently "please" she said putting her hand in front of her I quickly grabbed her and flung her over my shoulder she was suprisingly light and I ran off she screamed as I ran and I laughed we finally found our way to my exhibit Larry lent us his laptop so we went on a website called youtube he said you can watch videos so we started looking at songs and singing them we were leant up against my sacrophagaus I had the laptop on my lap and Sophia was next to me I suddenly felt her head slip onto my shoulder I wrapped my arm around her and turning my head to her she was asleep I smiled at how cute she was sleeping I cintinued to watch some youtube but with the volume down so I wouldn't wake her.

Larry came in and said it was almost sun rise I nodded and got up , I picked Sophia up and carried her bridal style as she was still asleep I carried her to her coffin Larry opened it and I gently put her in it. While Larry wasn't looking I gave her a kiss on the forehead and closed the lid and then went to my sacrophagus and sleep fell over me.

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