Louis said, "We didn't wanna wake you. Oh, by the way, you're cute when you sleep." I looked away, hiding my blush and smile. Getting up and off of Louis I said, "Thanks." 

"Mhm" he replied.

"Okay, let's go down to the pool right now!!" I yelled excitedly.  Running over to my bags, which were next to the sofa on the floor, I rumaged through it looking for my new swimming suit I had bought in California before the 1D concert.

I finally found it and my blue polka-dot towel and went to the bathroom to get changed. I closed the door, locking it. I stipped off my clothes and threw my swimming suit on. It's a blue and white striped, two-piece. I only got it cause it reminded me of Louis. He wears striped shirts all the time. I found a ponytail on my wrist and put my hair up in a messy bun, not even thinking about glancing in the mirror. I grabbed my towel and literally ran out of the bathroom. Well, at least I tried to anyway. The door wouldn't open, "Guys! The door won't open!" I yelled, trying the doorknob again. "Guys! Open the door, I'm getting really mad right now. And you know what happens when I get mad." I smiled to myself.

Harry yelled back, "Yeah, we know! Ana told me that you can do a lot worse than kicking me in the balls when you get mad."

"You know what? That was an accident! I didn't mean too! I didn't wanna get caught..." Oh shit...I hope Louis and Zayn didn't catch on. 

"Get caught doing what?" Zayn yelled back through the door. Eavesdropping on you two fighting.

"What? I didn't say anything like that," I tried, acting innocent.

Then Louis spoke up saying slowly, "Jessica, unlock the door...then turn the knob." Oh... I unlocked the door and turned the doorknob as told and it swung open, easily. 

"Ohhh..." I said, my cheeks starting to turn warm. I looked at Louis who was staring at me like 'duh!' I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up, Louis. I forgot I locked the door," I said and stormed out of the bathroom. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized no one was in their swimming trunks yet. "Guys!"

"What?" they all asked innocently.

"Don't 'what' me, go get ur trunks on!" They all looked at my face and bursted out laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" I questioned.

Niall and Zayn pointed at my face while laughing and holding their stomachs. Louis just stood there trying to hold in a laugh and said, "Umm.. Jess...You uhh, might wanna go look in the mirror before you leave. Just.. just sayin'," Then, he bursted out laughing. I stormed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My jaw dropped and I could almost literally see steam rolling out of my ears. I clenched my fists and yelled, "HARRY!"

"Hey! Why do you think I did that?" he yelled back. I tried scrubbing it off with a wet washcloth. Some of it came off, but most of it didn't.

"Because, you're...you're...I don't know, I just know you did it!" There was bright, silver sharpie all over my face. I had now somehow grew a beard and a mustache and a unibrow. My cheeks and forehead had dots all over it, to make it look like I had a bunch of zits on my face. 

"Harry, I'm gonna kill you!" I said, storming out of the bathroom.

"Don't come out!" They all yelled in unison, but it was too late. I already saw that Harry had his pants halfway down, Niall's on the ground, and Louis threw a towel over Little Louis. I quickly covered my eyes, and cried out, "What the hell! I was just in the bathroom with the door wide open and you don't even warn me that your getting your swimming trunks on?!" They all laughed awkwardly and said sorry. I threw Niall my towel so I could open my eyes. After a few seconds, I moved my pointer finger a bit to make sure it was safe to open my eyes. It was so I opened my eyes and charged towards Harry. He screamed like a little girl and ran out the door. I followed even though I knew I still had sharpie on my face. I didn't care if anyone saw it on my face right now because they would know why I was chasing Harry. I heard Louis calling my name and running after me. A few doors opened in the hallway and people poked their heads out. Some laughed and then closed the doors and others yelled saying keep it down. I felt Louis running right behind me and then he caught me around the waist bringing me to a stop. "Don't run after him causing people to look out their doors, Jessica!" He scolded me.

I Can Love You More Than This, Love (One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now