Chapter 1: A Good Day

Start from the beginning

He smiled a bit as he got in line; he really did have the best boyfriend. He was just so cool and confident! Simon was still amazed that Raphael had wanted to go out with him. He had thought for sure Raphael would have had other options; and, after spending, like a week with him, he realized that the guy had a LOT of options, he just, in general, couldn't care less. People seemed to throw themselves at him, almost constantly; it'd bothered Simon a bit at first, but then he noticed that Raphael would just ignore it, brush it off, or, if they were really persistent, tell them off. He really didn't seem to register them as anything more than a vague annoyance. He'd asked Raphael about it, around two weeks into their relationship. He couldn't help wondering why Raphael was interested in him and not the others. Not that he was in anyway complaining, mind you, but he really wouldn't of thought he stood half a chance against some of the people he'd seen Raphael turn down cold. Raphael had just smiled at him, telling him that he was completely unlike anyone he'd ever met. That Simon was so completely open and honest, he hadn't even known how to begin to react when they met, that he, Simon, had totally threw Raphael off balance, completely enchanted him from nearly the minute they had met. That Raphael hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. That he wasn't sure how he was good enough to have Simon

He couldn't really stop a slight giggle, which faintly startled the woman ahead of him, who turned to glance his way  slightly suspiciously.

He blushed slightly

"Sorry, Ma'am, I'm okay, I swear, my minds just wandering a bit" He said apologetically

She smiled, "It's okay; so, what's her name?"

"Oh, um, it's actually him, Raphael"

"Aww, I always liked that name. He must really be something if you're this happy"

Simon nodded, couldn't stop a beaming smile

"Yeah, he really is"

"I'm Quinn"

"Simon, hi, nice to meet you"

"You too, dear, always nice to see someone in love"

She turned back with an indulgent smile

"Yeah, it is"



Was he in love?

They hadn't even been together two months; could you actually be in love that soon?

He thought for a second, then just smiled even more

Yeah, you could, he was, completely

Well, that kinda snuck up on me, didn't it?

He laughed a bit again; Quinn smiled back at him, shaking her head a bit

Simon glanced at the line ahead of them; they only had two windows open and there were about six people still ahead of him, he probably had time to call Raphael. He really felt like he just had to talk to him; he wasn't going to tell him yet, didn't want to mess it up, but he really wanted to hear his voice. Raphael never really slept in anyway.

He slipped his phone from his pocket and quickly hit Raphael's number

"Hey, Simon, good morning" Raphael answered, he still sounded sleepy, like he just woke up, it was so cute

Seriously, how did he miss this?

"Hi, sorry, did I wake you"

"Hmm, no, been up for a little while. What are you up to, aren't you at work?"

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