the thing is

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you said I was yours but I'm not, you said you were happy you were fine but your said I cured your depression, but I just made it wors. you said you said you said that all you ever say.

Now we're strangers again....

 I  say I'm over you but really im not ....... 

I try to believe I am. I really do. I just can't but you don't care as long as your happy. 

you cant just toy with my emotions any more.......

 I broke my rules for you...... I fell into your trap but fool me again I think not.... you look different but act like the rest,  your eyes may be pure but your brain is not, your lungs may be happy but your soul is not. 

you said you didn't want anyone to have me but you, but you threw me in the trash.  I thought you were different you looked different ,

but you turned out to be the same as every other guy, 

A jerk that only cares about them selfs. I don't care if your upset or mad because you don't care about me so I have to act like it doesn't kill me every time I see you upset or mad. I try not to show it but I can't hide it anymore.  

I keep so many secrets from people now. I think one day it is all going to come spilling out and I don't know if I will be able to stop it. That's whats wrong with me. 

a walk through my mindWhere stories live. Discover now