Chapter 2 (rewritten)

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       Cassia had become a strong girl in the years since Naples had been destroyed. Zach had trained her nonstop, and she could beat even him, the best swordfighter in Naples when it was still standing. "Cassia, pay attention." Zach scolded and turned her chin towards him.

       The 28 year old man was nothing like he had been before. He was very tall, maybe around 6'8, and had a muscular build, almost like the giants from the fairytales she used to hear. Zach's beard reached almost to the base of his neck, and he refused to cut it. "Alright Zach." She sighed and picked up her training sword before putting her left foot forwards.

      She watched as Zach carelessly bunched his muscles a little too much on his right, and she ducked under his strong swing, the dull metal swinging over her head in a loud 'whoosh'. She used his turned state to swing her sword at his legs, but he stepped back. Cassia made herself sit in a bunched crouching position, so it looked like she would jump up. Right as she moved, Zach swung his sword again in front of him, but instead of jumping up, Cassia dove forward and between Zach's legs, before standing and hitting his back with the flat edge of her sword.

      "You're dead." She said, grinning cheesily at him. "Can I go to work now?" She begged and gave Zach her best adorable eyes. He sighed and ran his hand over his face before nodding. "Sure. Bring back some food as well." He said before handing Cassia a few small coins. She pocketed them before trailing her way through the forest and back to camp. Her tent was small, and covered in a thin layer of tar to keep the rain and wind out.

       Cassia had found the tar in a pit a while back and had spread the thick substance onto the tent with a stick. It had taken her hours to finish. Cassia pulled a black cloak out of a small wooden chest she used for clothes and pulled it over her outfit. She was clothed in lots of leather, strung together by more leather ropes, and some metal braces on her wrists.

     Her leather corset was not tight, but showed that she was indeed a woman. Cassia swung her dark wooden bow over her shoulder, along with the matching quiver. She tightened her combat-styled boots and bounded through the forest and towards the nearby village of Whitwell. Cassia walked through the front gate of the village and high-fived one of the guards. She smiled as she walked down the main road, which was bustling with children, who were kicking a ball made of old tied up rags.

      Cassia stopped her walking and picked up the stray ball that had rolled in front of her. "Catch!" She called across the street and threw the ball to a young boy, who caught the ball swiftly and gave her a friendly wave. Cassia pulled her hood down, pulling her long blonde hair out of the hood and letting the braid fall down her back. The young teen pushed open the heavy door to 'The Rancid Jackal', the tavern that she worked at.

      "Hello there Cassia! Right on time I see!" Mason, the bartender and the owner of the tavern, called from behind the tall counter. He was a burly and mean looking man, but he was sweet as could be and Cassia found herself becoming quite fond of the older man. He was kind, and gave Cassia a job at the tavern. Cassia was in charge of cooking for the customers and taking them their food.

     The men, (and the occasional woman) were kind, but sometimes the men would flirt, even if she was still a mere child. Cassia was polite and turned them all down, before heading back to work. "What needs to be done today Mason?" Cassia greeted him cheerfully and jumped swiftly over the counter. "I just cleaned that counter Cassia, go around next time, you hear me kid?" He scolded her, but there was amusement in his voice.

      Cassia just shook her head and threw him a wet rag from the bucket under the counter. Mason just sighed and wiped off the counter before tossing the rag back into the bucket and leaning against the counter. "You can bake some more rolls, and there could be some more pork as well..." He trailed off as he realized that Cassia had already disappeared into the kitchen.

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