[Chapter 1] The Box

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As a child our parents tell us bedtime stories, stories that are suppose to clear our minds and awaken our imagination to give us happy and fairy tale-like dreams. Most people were told stories about princesses, or three little pigs, or maybe even a girl in a red hood; but for me, well, I was told a story of a miracle maker. A man who danced among the stars, and it went a little like this:

Sometimes you'll come across a beautiful sight in the night sky, a shooting star: and sometimes you'll wish upon one. And sometimes, every so often that star will actually be a blue police box. And sometimes, every so often, very rarely, if you're very lucky, the madman in the box hears you.

This story brought me many dreams, many of them in which I joined this man as he danced among the stars, watching the Earth and moon glow like a spotlight on our never aging souls. We'd adventure to planets, save species, and learn new cultures. It was the most amazing thing my five-year-old self could imagine!

As a child every time I'd see a star I'd wish. Even as I grew older and entered high school I still had a bit of faith in this old tale. Though I had mostly given up on it, I could never actually forget such a marvelous fable. It actually quite surprised me that none of my school mates ever heard of this man, they were quite intrigued but I liked to keep the best stuff to myself. I kind of liked him being so unknown, it was like he was mine.

I wished and I wished, for so very long; though he never seemed to come. Even though everything was pointing to fake, a part of my mind didn't want to let go of my childhood, and it was right not to. In fact, it was a wonderful thing for it to hold on.

That's because now as I look back I finally realized why it took so long for him to hear my wishes. It's because I was wishing for all the wrong things. Instead of wishing for new dolls, a new shiny red bike, a new gaming system or car, I needed to ask for something meaningful, something that called for a miracle.

It all started about 4 months ago, in February. I had just turned 16 at the time, and also just received my death note a few months earlier. I was diagnosed with cancer. My percentage of survival was low, and no matter how many times you say that there's still a chance that I'll survival you weren't fooling me. I was out in a slight depression, not really having any will to try and survive since my death was very likely. In fact, I had started funeral arrangements in my mind.

I spent a lot of time alone for a while. A lot of people expected me to do some massive bucket list where I'd quite possibly kill myself in the activities before cancer could take me out. But no, I didn't. I didn't see any point, I didn't see a light at the end. That's until one night when I was doing my usual star gaze and I saw it. A shooting star. It wouldn't hurt to try? Maybe the tales were true? Any chance I had she wanted to. I wished, I wished a desperate wish. Don't let me die.

After a few moments of pleading the star stopped in its path and disappeared. This confused me, because random pieces of space junk that are falling to earth don't just stop in the middle of their path. I nearly had shrugged the thought off before a loud vworping sound came from my backyard. I looked over my balcony and spotted a blue box. It was exactly like the one in my bed time stories. Reason told me to ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen, but another part of me urged me to not listen to reason and go outside and poke it with a stick. So I grabbed a cardigan from my closet and I quietly snuck out of my room and went out to my backyard.

And I am so glad that I did.

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