chapter two:brooke bradley

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Chapter two: brooke bradley

Brooke woke up and looked around her surrounding and saw that she was in a room, she sat up and realized she had  changed clothes , got out of bed and went over to her staff and smiled at the memory , her blade read; sky of wonder power of thunder, she smiled at the inscription; it was something her brothers had done for her when she had mastered her weapons training,She had come out at the top of her class and was rewarded with the Thunder Academy's motto engraved into her beloved staff, so that no matter where she went, it would always be something she carried.

Brooke sighed, thinking of her older brothers made her feel lonelier than she had ever been before. Not to mention depressed. For a few moments she stood, turning the staff over in her hands with ease, her thoughts consumed of Hunter and Blake, she felt so lost. Her home was gone and her brothers had disappeared along with her friends and her Sensei, in truth, she felt like they had abandoned her.

Shaking the depressing thoughts from her mind, Brooke scolded herself for thinking such stupid things. Hunter and Blake would never abandon her, they were the only family she had left, especially after her parents had passed away in 1996, she had been eight years old at the time.

Finally she decided to venture out of the room and explore this place in which she had awoken; maybe she could find someone who could give her the answers that she needed. Strapping her staff onto her back, Brooke turned the handle of the door and pulled it open, only to walk into someone on the other side. It had been a whole week since she had arrived, and still she hadn't woken up.

"Where is 'here' exactly?"

"Ninja Ops," Cam answered. "You're at the Wind Ninja Academy!"

"Oh," she nodded. "You don't' happen to have any food do you? I haven't eaten in like..." she trailed, lost "Uh, how long was I out?"

"A whole week," Cam explained, Brooke's eyes widened. "C'mon, it's lunchtime, I'll see if there is food here!"

Brooke smiled. "Thanks," she said as he lead her through the hallway and out into another room, which proved to be like a mini dining room.

In the centre of the room was a small table at the end of which stood a rather large opening which she guessed lead to an exit because it looked like they were underground, lining the walls were multi-colored computerized doors each a different colour. Red. Blue and Yellow.

There was a large mainframe ahead of her, and a motorized house that she had seen that housed pets. "Nice, you live here?"

"Yes," Cam nodded. "Above us is the Wind Academy... or, what is left of it!"

Brooke frowned, as an image of a destroyed Thunder Academy flashed across her mind. "What do you mean?"

"The Wind Academy was attacked," Cam explained, "and i'm guessing so was the Thunder? You are a Thunder Ninja, are you not?"

Cam told her about his father and the Wind Ninja Academy, and about the three Ninjas that had managed to survive.

"Shane, Tori and Dustin," Cam said. "They're the last remaining Wind Ninja Students on earth."

"Besides you," Brooke pointed out.

"I'm not a student," Cam said, shaking his head. "I just live here!"

"Not allowed to be a Ninja?"

"Something like that,"

Brooke smiled. "Don't be worry," she said. "You're not missing much."

"Tell me about your family," Cam pressed.

Brooke sighed. "Not much to say really! My parents died when I was eight, I was raised by my older brothers after that. We joined the Thunder Academy after my parents had passed away and Sensei Omino trained us in the way of the Thunder ninja, just like he had done my parents."

Cam nodded after she had finished speaking, before looking up as a set of footsteps caught his attention and seconds later a blonde walked in. Going from Cam's description, it wasn't all that difficult to work out that this was Victoria Hanson, commonly known as Tori.

"Sensei, can I talk -" Tori started, but trailed off as she caught sight of Brooke and Cam. "- to you... uh, hi...?"

Brooke giggled. "Hi, you're Tori, right?"

"Yeah," Tori nodded. "How did you -?"

"Cam told me," Brooke shrugged.

"Uh," Tori nodded, shooting Cam a suspicious look. "Why didn't you call to say she was awake?"

"You all left here pretty late last night," Cam answered. "I didn't want to disturb you from catching up on your sleep, plus, she has only just woken up."

"He's right," Brooke nodded.

Tori shot Cam another look, one that he shifted uncomfortably under, before turning her attention back to Brooke. "So, what's your name?"

"Brooke," the Thunder Ninja answered. "Brooke Bradley."

"How long is 'only just'?" Tori inquired.

"Um, about an hour," Brooke answered. "We just finished cooking... I was hungry," she said, shrugging sheepishly.

"We? What do you mean 'we'?" Tori asked, looking at Cam. "I didn't know you could cook."

Cam: i can't

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