Chapter 5: Formal

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Harry’s P.O.V.

            “Mom, do you know where my black bowtie is?” I called out. “I put it on your nightstand!” she called back. Sure enough, it was right there, neatly folded. I slipped it on and felt pretty classy. I like wearing suits sometimes. I glanced at the clock. Just ten more minutes and I’d be picking up Sophie for the formal. I was a bit nervous; I didn’t want to screw things up. I double-checked that her corsage was set, then raked my fingers through my hair one last time. As I was heading out the door, I remembered I hadn’t put on any cologne, and quickly ran back inside to do so.

 Sophie’s P.O.V.

            “Oh, Sophie, you look gorgeous! So grown up,” cooed my mom. I looked in the mirror. I did look a bit more mature. My hair was curled loosely and one side was pushed back with a sparkly hairpin. The dress looked beautiful, and I was wearing my mom’s sapphire earrings. I’d put on a bit more makeup than usual, going for a smoky-eye look. I fidgeted a bit putting my purse together. I was feeling sort of anxious. But there was no denying it, I’d been counting down the days to this event.

            Ding-dong. Harry was here. My heart started pounding. My mom answered the door, excitedly saying, “Harry! It’s so nice to meet you. Oh, you look precious.” I could hear Harry making casual conversation with her. I grabbed my bag then went down the stairs to greet my date.

            When our eyes met, my heart started beating fast again. He looked amazing. Sure, he looked good in casual clothes. But in a suit, he could’ve been a celebrity. “Hi, Harry,” I said. “Hey, Sophie,” he said, smiling. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” I blushed and replied, “You look pretty handsome yourself.” My mom came back into the room with her camera, insisting that we take lots of pictures at the formal. Harry and I looked at each other, laughing internally. “And of course I’ve got to take some pictures while you’re here,” she said. My mom proceeded to usher us into different rooms, unable to decide which had the best lighting. We ended up going outside and taking a picture on the porch.

            The dance was at a banquet center. Dinner was served there, so the couples of our group drove separately and met up there. “Sophie! You look so pretty!” shrieked Eleanor as she ran up and gave me a hug. Eleanor was wearing a sleek black dress and had her long hair in an up-do. Louis and Harry conversed as we studied each others’ outfits. “You do too!” I exclaimed, hugging her back. Then Danielle and Liam, as well as Zayn and Perrie, walked in along side each other, all looking great. The girls all complimented the others’ dresses and hair, and the boys rolled their eyes. Then we sat down at a large table and had dinner. When dinner had finished, dance music started to play. All of the couples started getting up and Harry looked over at me. He stood and extended his hand towards me, flashing his signature grin. “Care to dance?”

            I grabbed his hand and we made our way to the crowded dance floor. I danced facing him with my arms around his shoulders and his hands on my waist. We moved to the fast music, occasionally catching glances and smiling. Song after song, Harry and I started moving closer and closer together. Then, the DJ announced that it was time for a slow song. He held me even closer.

            We swayed to the slow rhythm, and then he put his mouth to my ear. “I know I already told you, but you look so amazing. I honestly don’t know why I got the privilege of dancing with the prettiest girl in the room,” he whispered. I thought about saying something, but I kissed him instead. At first it was just a peck, but then he went in for more. It was a sweet kiss, soft and intimate. We kissed for the remainder of the song. When it finished and a fast song started up, he kissed me on the cheek and pulled away.

            It’d only been a few minutes when Eleanor came up to me and grabbed me, looking upset. “What’s wrong, El?” I asked. “Louis and I got in a fight,” she said, trying to fight back tears. I glanced at Harry who looked annoyed but gave me a look that implied I could go talk to Eleanor.

            “So what happened?” I asked her as we sat down at an empty table. “I don’t even know. Louis’s just been acting weird this whole night. He told me he didn’t feel like dancing anymore, so I got water with him. But then the slow song came on and he just refused to dance. And so I got angry. And I told him there were tons of guys out there who would love to dance with me. And he told me to go find one then. And that’s where we’re at right now.” “I’m really sorry, Eleanor,” I said. I didn’t know how to respond. I wanted to help her out, but there was nothing much to say. Not to mention, I felt bad for abandoning Harry. “Oh God and now I’m ruining your night, too,” she said. “No, it’s okay, I’m here for you,” I told her. Sorry Harry.

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