Part 18) Whiskey and Knives

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"No, Romeo!" I shot up chasing him back.

"Oh fuck! These are fucking horrible! Are you trying to poison me?!" He started washing his mouth out underneath the sink.

"We didn't have any." My face dropped unamused. I proceeded to wipe my hands off on a rag.

"Sedersi." He ushered me back to the couch with a shopping bag in his grip.


"What is it?" I asked nervously thinking about earlier.

"Aperto." He commands.


I take the bag from him suspicious. I tore out the tissue paper pulling out some kind of camera.

"I heard it was a hobby." He leaned back in the sofa changing the channel.

I turned it over in my hands with my jaw on the floor. I never told him that. This wasn't just any camera. It was a vintage TLR RollieFlex. One of the long ones from the 1930's.

"Romeo!" I threw my arms around his neck almost dropping the expensive gift.

He threw his arms out at first standoffish but eventually placed his hand on my back acknowledging me.

I gently set it on the opposite side of the couch. "Was that your business?" I asked.

"No. That was a pit stop. Don't ask me about my business. I got you something to go with that." He brings forth a smaller pink bag.

"Oh." I grab it up expecting film of something.

"Oh." I reply again surprised to find a set of dark green lingerie.

"Ti piace?" He grins ear to ear.

"No, io no." I throw down the skimpy material storming off to the kitchen.

(No, I do not)

"Cecilia." He followed me back angry. "It's only for fun. Scattare fotos." He slammed his hands on the marble counter.

(Taking photos)

"No! Now that we've had sex you think I'm just you're little play thing." I protest flying to the other side of the island.

"Gosh damnit Cecilia! Sei un fottuto motello." His nostrils started to flare.

(You're such a fucking brat)

He dove to the other end trying to grab me. I ran to the other side fleeing him.

"And what's this about marriage?! We are married and I want a divorce!" I screamed.

"Don't say that!" He cut me off.

"I should have never trusted you. Business? As you said yourself, there's certainly some side beach blonde!" He chased me to the other side again. I kept him across the table threatening to move the other way.

"Fuck you!" He yells.

"You already did!" I turn for a knife throwing it towards him.

He catches it perfectly by the handle. I gasp astonished.

He smiles looking at the knife and back to me. Romeo shakes a finger shaming me.

He jumps across the island too fast for me to react.

"No!" I scream as he grabs ahold of my arm.

I can't pull away so I slide to the floor going limp.

He jerks my arm trying to make me stand like a puppet but I refuse. Instead he straddles me holding the knife flat to my chest beside my heart.

"You are so fucked up. I care about you Cecilia. Is that what you want to hear?" He stares at me sternly.

"Care how I help your image." I grab his arms unable to push him away.

He pressed the knife harder into my skin. I attempt to pry at his fingers.

"I am not incapable of loving you." He grunts.

"Then why is this necessary?" I touch his hand on the knife.

He suddenly loosened his grip coming to realize what we were doing.

"I can't help it CeCe. It's who I am." He stares blankly at me.

"You're going to end up killing me."

Italian PsychoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ