46 - Lovely

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Erwin nuzzles Levi's nose before he pulls out and sits up resting his weight on his heels. His whole body was sweaty and sticky from their cum and the lube was everywhere. He scratches his head, but his smile was broad and his eyes loving.
    "Yes it was much fun, I have to say. I am just not sure if I can always provide you with such an endurance." He chuckles and strokes over Levi's leg softly.
    "How is your ass feeling?" He smirks and lays down besides Levi letting his hand trace Levi's form until he reaches for Levi's face and softly caress his cheek. He places a small kiss on his cheek.
    "By the way you were really loud Levi,"His cheeks start to take a redder color and embarrassed he continues;"Next time let's do it home. I got a home right?"

    As they lay there a very happy and cheerful commander enters the hospital and makes her way towards the door of Erwin. For the first time she felt excited again.
    "Oh I hope this worked. Please let Erwin be back." With light steps she goes down the corridor. The doctor had left his watch, because a urgency claimed his attention even if he wanted to bring Erwin the requested reports about the amnesia cases, however the door is now without a guard.

Note : don't hate me... That's how the third time or so it bairns that u forgot to save the reply. This is awful... 😭

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