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Olivia sighed as she woke up in bed. She sat up and stood from the bed and looked to her phone. She saw a text off of tom and sighed as she sent him a reply. She knew that he had a girlfriend and she knew that she needed to stay away from him. Olivia knew that it was for the best that she did or she would end up in bed with him. She wanted him bad and it was starting to drive her crazy over how much that she actually wanted him. Olivia got dressed and walked down to the kitchen where Charlee sat hungover. Olivia looked to her and laughed as Charlee glared at her "dont laugh at me, whore" Charlee said as Olivia rolled her eyes at her "who are you calling a whore?" Olivia asked as Charlee looked to her sister and sighed.

"you, oli, i may of been totally wasted last night but i know what i saw before i threw up i those toilets. You and tom, i need to ask have you slept with him?" Charlee asked as Olivia turned to face him "no, the fact my sister came in and threw up stopped that, its a bit of a mood killer" Olivia said as Charlee looked to her and sighed "im worried, oli. Hes got a girlfriend" Charlee said as Olivia rolled her eyes and looked to Charlee "your not innocent, Charlee, so does Max, and im not stupid. Look we both need to stay away from them, okay? besides our dear mum would have a fit" Olivia said as Charlee nodded. They both knew how Rachel would react if she knew that her  daughters were chasing men that weren't single.


Olivia got to school and sighed as she saw tom. She made eye contact with him and sighed before she looked away. She knew that it was best for everyone, best for herself if she avoided him. Olivia grabbed the pile of marking off of the side before she walked out of the room. She sighed to herself as Rachel followed her in "Olivia?" she said as Olivia turned to face Rachel and sighed "dont start, im not in the mood" Olivia spat as Rachel sighed to her. She knew something was bothering Olivia "i haven't come to have a go" she said as Olivia rolled her eyes "that's a first" "i just wanted to see if your okay" Rachel said as there was a knock at the door. She looked to see tom and sighed to herself "im fine mother" Olivia said as Rachel walked out. She knew if she couldnt get the truth out of Olivia she would get it out of Charlee.

Olivia turned to face tom and sighed "what's up? your avoiding me" he said as she turned to face him and sighed "you have a girlfriend tom, you need to stay away. I want be that girl" she siad as he looked to her and smirked. "so, i still want you, i meant what i said last night Olivia, i want you and i cant stop thinking about you" he siad as he walekd over to them and closed the gap between them. Olivia felt herself hold her breath as he stood in front of her. He placed a hand on her cheek and looked to ehr as she leant in and kissed her. He kissed her back and roughly pushed her against the wall where she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her. Her hands went to his belt undoing it as well as the zipper. She pulled down the front of his boxers freeing his hardened member as he pushed her dress up and pulled her underwear to the side before he pushed into her.

Little did they know the impact this would have on them...

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