Kidnapped. Murder. Free.

Start from the beginning

Toby watches Hanna in confusion and then looks towards me and shrugs his shoulders. I shake my head with puzzlement

"See you look very sexy. Bye sexy T-dog" Hanna screams, throwing Abigail over her shoulder and running back into the house

'Hey Em, wtf was that?x'

                                   'That was Hanna being
                                   Hanna. Have fun today
                               T-dog' x'

"Hanna you should stay here with the kids cause most of them are yours"

"What does that mean? I only have one more kid that you"

"Yeah one that's a baby, that's why you should stay"

"Fine" Hanna sighs

"So it's sorted. Slutty Hanna will stay here and we'll save our wives" Aria smiles, grabbing her handbag



"What the?" Aria pauses when we arrive at a block of flats

"Why would they be here?" I ask, looking over to Aria

"Dunno. But let's find out"

"Wait Aria. How do we know which house they are in?" I ask, chasing after my tiny brown haired friend

Aria smiles before chapping on the first door she sees

"Hello. I'm detective White and this is detective Ferdinand. I was wondering if you have seen these girls" Aria says to a woman at the other side of the door, showing her a photo of Ali and Spencer

"I've seen her" the woman says, pointing to Alison

My heart rate drops towards normal and I feel as if I can breath again

"She's the bitch that was buried, twenty years ago"

"Bitch? Your the bitch" I scream, jumping towards the woman. Aria pulls me back as the woman slams her door in our faces

"Fucking cow" I moan, still ready to punch someone

Aria continues to chap on doors until we finally knock on the door of a creepy old man

"Hello. I don't normally get two beautiful girls chapping on my door" he smiles

"Hello. I'm detective White and this is detective Ferdinand. I was wondering if you have seen these girls" Aria repeats for the tenth time

"Yes. I saw them last night. I always appreciate beauty. The blonde one was with that weird twin and the other helped me open my door, she was trying to find the blonde girl"

"The weird twin?" I ask, leaning over Aria's leopard print shoulder

"Yes, door seventy-eight"  

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