I couldn't help to sneak a glance at Julian. I thought he was going to continue acting as if nothing was wrong because he has been doing such a good job at it before. This wasn't the case today. He was just staring at his plate, looking extremely worried.

       "She was a mother, Shaw," Mom pointed out. "You took away a little girl's mother."

       "And I'm a father," Shaw said. "Of three kids. Cassidy wasn't going to just let me go. She was close to pulling the trigger, and then there would have been three kids without a father. I don't get why you're defending someone like Cassidy."

       "Because it shows the kind of person you are," Mom said. "The kind of person I don't want my son dating. You are only going to hurt him and everyone else around you."

       "Mom, that is not true," I said. I really needed to end this argument for Julian's sake. "It was self-defense, and it was either her or him. Just please stop putting them blame on Shaw and stop defending Cassidy."

       "I'm putting the blame on him because he is to blame," Mom said.

       "Tara, seriously, this isn't the time," Dad said.

       "Yes, it is," Mom said. "I don't know why you're okay with Holden dating a monster like Shaw."

       And those were the words that caused all hell to break loose.

       "Just stop it!" Julian said. "Just please stop accusing Shaw for doing something he didn't do!"

       "Julian..." I said. Please don't do it...

       "What are you talking about?" Mom asked. "Shaw killed Cassidy."

       "No, he didn't!" Julian said. "I did!"

       The room went dead silent; the sound of a pin dropping would have been able to been clearly heard. The confused looks on everyone's faces were almost identical. 

       "Julian," Dad said slowly. "Please tell me you didn't."

       Julian's eyes were filling with tears as he dug his face in his hands. "I-I did."

       Dad looked over at Shaw. "Is this true? It... it was Julian?"

       Shaw sighed. "I took the fall so he wouldn't go to prison. He was only sixteen when it happened."

       "But... If it was self-defense, surely he would have gotten off," Dad said. "Especially since he's a teenager."

       "It... It wasn't self-defense," Julian said, looking up again. "She did have a gun pointed at me and she was going to kill me, but I could have gotten away and she would have still been alive if I hit her only once. It didn't. I... kept hitting her with the brick until I knew she was dead."

       "Thank goodness," Noah said.

       "Noah!" Mom said. "That is completely inappropriate!"

       "So is a woman blowing up the city hall and almost killing me," Noah said. "And killing our uncle. She had a gun pointed at Julian. I'm glad he killed her."

       "Yeah, uh, I probably shouldn't encourage Noah, but I'm on his side," Calvin said. "I lost my dad because of Cassidy. She wasn't going to stop until she fully got her revenge."

       "Alright, boys, that's enough," Grandma said. "I don't like Cassidy as well. She killed my son and tried killing my grandchildren, but it is never good to wish death upon anyone or to condone a murder. And Julian, how could you ask Shaw to take the fall?"

       "No, that was my idea," Shaw said. "He didn't even know I was going to do it. He just came to me after he killed Cassidy because he needed help, and I told him not to tell a single person what he did. By the time he found out I was taking the fall, I was already arrested. He couldn't have done anything."

       "That is not true," Mom said. "He should have came forward."

       "And what? Go to prison?" Shaw asked. "He wouldn't have went to juvie. He would have been tried as an adult for intentionally killing her. You would really want that to happen when he was scared for his life? He wouldn't have lasted in prison. Believe me, I know."

       "Does anyone else know it was you?" Dad asked Julian.

       Julian wiped his tears away. "Kendra does. I told her so she wouldn't refuse Shaw from seeing their kids. Nobody else does. Are... are you going to tell the police?"

       "No," Dad said. "No, of course not. It's all in the past now."

       "We should," Mom said.

       "Well, you're not going to," Shaw said. "Unless you want something worse than prison to happen to your son?"

       "What does that mean?" Julian asked, looking a lot more nervous.

       "Cassidy's brother," Shaw said. "He's not happy that his sister is dead and he already has a vendetta against me. Trust me, he's not playing around and if he finds out it wasn't me, he'll be even more furious. He already threatened me and he's not playing around."

       "And you haven't told the police?" Mom asked.

       "No, because he said if I did, he'll hurt Holden," Shaw said. "Seriously, if you want Julian to stay safe, don't tell a single soul about what really happened to Cassidy. I'll be able to handle Cassidy's brother."


or will you??????


poor julian though. he just needs a really big hug from his future romantic interest.

i mean what????

i have a really cute gif i can't wait to use. it will either be in chapter 20 or 21. i'll probably do 20 so i can use it sooner ahahahaha.

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