7: Blue Blooded Friendship

Start from the beginning

I found out that she loved reading just like me and both of us had a common hatred towards eggplants and papayas for some reason.

She was also Ashoka's oldest and dearest daughter.

Out of the blue, we started comparing modern day and ancient fashion trends. She told me that currently in their kingdom, gold plated hair accessories and embroidery done with fine threads of gold and silver were a huge fad.

Whoa! Maybe people in the past had a certain fetish to look like golden light bulbs but there are some cringe worthy modern trends too so I guess it's not my place to judge. I told her about 21st century trends like skinny jeans, glow in the dark nail polish, chokers, etc. Sanghamitra listened to me curiously.

She would ask me questions now and then like 'what exactly are you wearing right now?' or 'which sane person would ever dye their hair hot pink?'

As we neared the end of the trail, which I found led to the fighting arena, Sanghamitra said, "Umm....Tara would you like to visit the village with me today? The weather is quite pleasant and I would like to meet my designer. I really loved the idea of cold shoulders and evening gowns so I want her to combine it with traditional lehenga fabric and make new dresses for me. You'll have to help her a bit since she is unacquainted with these styles."

"Sure, I'd love to! I guess I'll get one made for myself too, a different colour off course, so that we could be twinning." I said, a wide smile spreading across my face.

I was actually very excited because this was the first time that someone had taken fashion advice from me and although I never really cared about being the best dressed in the room, it felt like an achievement. Back at school, people asked Tvisha who is known for her quirky sense of style.

I was in the process of telling all this to Sanghamitra, when I noticed that she wasn't even listening to me. She was staring at Neel in the practicing arena, fantasizing about him like a normal teenager, no doubt. It was pretty obvious, though not really. Maybe I just saw it because I was girl myself and understood her feelings. But weren't princesses not supposed to be so vocal about their feelings.

Save me, I've been reading too much Shakespeare lately I guess.

I rolled my eyes and added her to my mental list of all the girls crushing on Neel.

Wait, I didn't even know I had such a list....I know he looked pretty hot when he was all sweaty like this but that doesn't give you permission to stare. It's very impolite. Ok, I'm being a little hypocritical at the moment. I've stared at cute guys a countless number of times before so I guess it's all right.

I said, "Umm, Sanghamitra!"

No response

I counted five seconds in my head before waving my hands in front of her face. She jerked a little as she was pulled out of her day dream.

"Yeah, you were saying...." She said, trying to hide the fact that she had completely zoned out.

"Well, chuck that." I said.

"I'm so sorry that I tuned out." She said, guilt written all over her face.

"Yes, I figured." I said, and then suddenly switching to the annoying girlfriend mode I said, "Someone's got a crush on Neel!!"

Sanghamitra's ears turned beetroot red, as she blushed, and she half heartedly tried to deny it.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go talk to him!" I urged.

"NO! Are you crazy?!" she whispered.

"Ok, but I'll make sure that you talk to him later. It will inflate his ego, no doubt, and he's going to annoy me because you're a princess and you like him, but don't worry I'll handle it."I said, as I played match maker.

We turned back and discussed our afternoon plans of going to the village and paying a visit to Sanghamitra's dressmaker. We decided to go that afternoon. After chatting for about half an hour after that, she excused herself as she had to attend her daily lessons.

I returned to my room and grabbed a book about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius over Pompeii and read it till it was time for breakfast.



*pats self on the back*




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