After a minute I heard a bang and Elena saying "Rose it's me!" I ran back into the room, to see Rose holding Elena against the wall.

"Rose! You're hallucinating, you don't want to hurt her" I said calmly.

"Elena?" Rose let go. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

I grabbed Rose by the shoulders guiding her back to the bed. "I'm gonna go call Damon." I walked outside the room, pulling my phone put of my pocket. I dialed Damon's number, and it rang until it went to voicemail.

"Why does no one answer their phone here?" I groaned. I tried again, and he finally answered.

"What?" Damon snapped.

"I know what the cure for a werewolf bite is, but you won't be able to get it. Not yet anyway.

"What is it?" Damon demanded an answer.

"Klaus' blood."

"Damn it. How am I supposed to get that?" Damon seethed.

"Like I said. You can't. But Rose is starting to have hallucinations, I don't know what you want us to do."

"Just keep an eye on her" Damon demanded, and hung up.

"Rude." 'Why does he hang up on everybody?'

I walked back into the bedroom as Elena walked out. "I need to grab new sheets."

"Okay" I turned back around to see Rose behind me, fangs out. She hit me in the head, and knocked me out. Everything went black.

Elijah's POV:

Something was wrong. I know it. I was outside the boarding house, keeping an eye on Jessica. I couldn't help feel a pull toward her. All of a sudden there was a thump, and then it was silent. I jumped into the window I heard the thump. Jessica was laying on the ground, brown hair covering her face. I smelled blood. I had to do something. I rushed over to her and kneeled on one leg, picking her head up. I let my fangs grow, and I bit into my own wrist, forcing her to drink my blood. I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I quickly wiped my blood of her lips. I jumped back out the window as the door opened.

Jessica's POV:

"I brought clean sheets" I heard Elena huff out. My eyes fluttered open, as the sheets dropped from her hands as she rushed over to me. "Oh my god." I lifted my head up. I groaned in pain from the pounding headache I had. I felt my hair was matted down by a sticky substance. "What happened?"

"Rose happened" I groaned out.

"Stay here" Elena said walking out of the room.

"No, wait." I tried to quickly get up, but I became light-headed, falling back to the ground. I heard feet pounding on the floor and a door slamming shut. I stumbled out into the hallway. Elena must be in Stefan's bedroom, and it was quickly becoming night time. I stumbled down the stairs. I tripped on the last couple steps, but before I landed on the floor Damon caught me.

"What happened?" Damon asked.

"Rose. She knocked me out and went after Elena.

"Where's Elena?"

"Locked up in Stefan's room. Rose must be at the school."

After Damon went to get Elena, we headed to the school. The three of us split up to find Rose, when I saw her grab a guy getting in his car. She bit into his throat, feasting on his blood. "Rose! You don't want to do this!" I yelled. She looked at me angrily and threw him into the windshield.

She turned to me blood surrounding her mouth. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" She snarled. She ran toward me snapping my neck. Everything went black for the second time.

Elijah's POV:

'No. She's dead.' Dread filled my entire being. I just gave her blood. My blood, vampire blood. She'll be a vampire. Damon can't notice her body. No one can. I vamp sped over to her and picked her up, bringing her body to a safe place.

Damon's POV:

I ran over to Rose as she fed off of a blonde girl. "Rose stop!" I demanded. She came at me, and I pinned her down to the ground. "Rose, it me. It's Damon."

She stopped struggling, and started crying. "Did I do this? I didn't want to kill anyone."

"I know."

"I killed Jessica" she stared wide eyed. "Oh my god."

What did she say?!

Jessica's POV:

I woke up, hours later, gasping for air. I looked over to my seat, to see Elijah with his head in his hands.

" What's happening?" I asked.

Elijah lifted his head up. "You're in transition."

Elijah handed me a glass filled with a red liquid. "Drink it."

"You're not even giving me a choice?"

"Not really, no." I couldn't help but think there's a secret reason to his words. I could smell it. My body wanted it badly. I grabbed the glass, and greedily gulped it down. What would usually taste metallic, tasted way better.

"Can you teach me how to be a vampire?"

Elijah and I were out in the woods. He already taught me to hear far away, and how to control my thirst. I still wasn't very good at it, but he said that was normal. I heard talking by the road near by, and it sounded like Damon, and I decided to check it out. "Stay here" I told Elijah. Once I got to the road, the screaming started. Damon was feeding on a girl. The girl he confessed his feeling, and how he missed being human.

I gasped out "Damon?" I ran over as he dropped the girl. He turned around, blood around his mouth, tears in his eyes. I pulled him into a hug, and surprisingly he didn't push me away. In fact he hugged me back. I breathed deeply, trying to not lose control of my blood lust. I felt eyes on me, from the woods, guessing it was Elijah. I believe that comforting a friend is more important than taking care of your own needs.
1621 words. Short chapter, I know but I hope my readers are happy. Comment and vote.

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