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Here he comes again.

"How are you doing bud?" He came walking to me, holding a can of what I assumed to be food.

He squatted, lowering himself to face me as I laid on the ground.

"Got something you like." He waved his hand that was holding the can.

Everyday, ever since I was left alone, he would come to me, give me food and talk to me, about his worries and his problems.

We would look into the endless road, staring at the blinking street lamp, feeling each other's company. When he comes earlier, we would look across the ocean which was now pitch black, coastline floodlit by the sun that was setting, fleeting of painted cars, leading our eyes to the road which navigates to the sea of people.

This would somehow ease our pain, our loneliness.

"I really wanna bring you home, but you know my landlord wouldn't allow it."

I looked at him, eyes glistening due to the tears which I tried to hold.

"Don't cry, you make me feel bad now." He petted my head as I hung my head low.

"I'll work hard, get my own place and let you live with me. Until then, never leave my side okay?"

I laid on his lap, signalling it as an answer. He continued petting me, feeling my soft hair and skin.

"Your eyes are really pretty, a nice shade of cyan."

I stared at him, letting him enjoy his view. I yawned as it was pretty late and got comfy on his lap until he tried to get up.

"It's kinda late, I gotta go back now." He left, without forgetting to place a blanket on me.

It was like that everyday, I would laze around on the street, he would come at night after his work and give me food while he talks to me.

He always came, never abandoning me and I would patiently wait for him. My friends had made fun of me, saying that it wasn't my nature to do this and only dogs are that loyal. Can't believe they're comparing me to dogs.

But overall, life was great, though I wanted to stay with him longer. I just wished that I could live with him, waking up before him and I would be his alarm. Chilling at his place while he works hard to support the both of us. Jumping onto him when he gets back from the endless hours of work, letting him pet my hair as he brings me to the living room. I had too much time to imagine things when I literally do nothing everyday but laze around.

I would often feel bad, what if he didn't have even money for himself yet he tries to take care of me? Should I have done something?

Nonetheless I'm grateful for it and I thank God for letting me encounter someone like him.

The next night he came again, but it felt different. Instead of coming with a smile, he came with a frown.

I wanted to ask what's wrong, but he could never understand me anyways.

"Sorry bud, I just got fired. It's gonna take a lil while for me to be able to get a house on my own." He stared at me while I tilted my head in confusion.

"You wouldn't understand..."

I rubbed my hair against his arm, trying my best to comfort him.

It felt heartbreaking to see him like that. Where did the man full of ecstasy go? He never ever looked as depressed, he would try to tell me witty jokes, which I would probably not understand but nothing stops him, he would laugh at his own memory and tell me how great it was.

I wished I could be like him, then I would be able to communicate with him, do things together with him. We would be able to understand each other and I could talk to him all day long.

"Actually....do you have a name? I've always called you bud." I scratched my ears because of his sudden question.

"Can I call you Niel? It's a very fitting name."

We continued the silent atmosphere and no one was doing anything.


"Did you just meow-ed at me? That never happened before."

That was how I communicated with him. Because I'm a cat.

A fucking cat.


AN: Don't worry longer chapters coming up.

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