Chapter 17

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From the shadows, I could make out a feminine figure holding Holly, a gun pointing right at her head.

"Holly!" I yelled. I'd never had much love for Holly, but this was a nightmare. Holly was really annoying with the way she had to keep everything completely under control so now, I could only imagine the terror she must be feeling.

"Release her!" Kipps commanded but Holly's captor gave a wild chuckle.
"I see you figured out my fake ghost and got rid of the poltergeist and fetch. Impressive, I'll give you that, but you only made things harder for yourselves. It would have been so much easier if you'd have just died up there in the attic." a melodious, tinkling voice said.

"Who are you?" George cried and grabbed his torchlight. The woman gave a little chuckle. He shined it straight at Holly and her captor. Everything came into a clear view and what I saw was unbelievable.

"Hello again! Care for some tea?" Lisa Ravensdale smirked at us. She was wearing a suit of armor, not unlike the ones that knights used back in the medieval ages, but a lighter version. It was made from links and links of metal chains strung together. She had on goggles like Kipps', that help adults see ghosts because the older you grow, the more your Senses fade.

"Lisa! I- I don't understand." George said.

"Hmm...I do." Lockwood stepped forward. "You're one of Penelope Fittes' lackeys, aren't you?"

"Very good. Oh, and I prefer associate if you don't mind. Lackey is very unflattering." Lisa grinned and her brilliant white teeth glowed eerily in the dark.

"After my aunt found Queen Amberly's coffin, I knew it was perfect for luring you here. The knife upstairs in the attic? It was sealed in an iron box before. I just stumbled on it by accident and figured why not use two ghosts to get you here. The more ghosts there are, the more easier it is because I don't have to kill you myself. But I needed some proper evidence that the ghosts here were powerful or I knew you would decline my aunt's request. That's why I lured the servant girl upstairs to the attic. I went up there and screamed for help and what do you know? The stupid girl came rushing up to the attic and met her demise." Lisa cackled and tightened her grip around Holly.

"Lockwood..." Holly whimpered. I stepped forward and raised my rapier.

"Oh no. Not another step or your precious little Holly dies." Lisa threatened, her voice dripping with poison.

"But why? Why do you want to kill us?" I demanded. At least Fairfax had had a reason as to why he wanted to kill us but we had never even seen the likes of Lisa before today.

"Does she need a reason, Luce? She's one of Penelope's goons. They're all lunatics!" George muttered under his breath.

"George, George. You shouldn't think that lowly of me. No. My reason for wanting you dead is much deeper. I suppose you've heard of a Steve Rotwell?" Lisa paused and glanced at each of us with a smug expression. "Your expressions tell me you have. Now, I want you to think back to a month ago when you blew up the Rotwell facility. Rotwell's no longer exists and Steve Rotwell is considered dead. All thanks to you!" she added as if she was talking to three year olds.

"Yes, we remember. What's your point?" Kipps crossed his arms and glared at her.

"My point is that maybe, Steve Rotwell had a daughter. Me." Lisa proclaimed. "And now, I'm going to get revenge for killing my father. Especially you, dear Locky! I want you to watch as each and every one of the people you love are killed right in front of your eyes while you're helpless!" she glared at us with a mad glint in her eyes and slowly raised the gun to Holly's head.

Everything around me slowed down and I found myself running towards Lisa and Holly. I threw my rapier at Lisa. It scratched her shoulder but harmlessly rebounded off her metal armour. Lockwood had the same idea and he ran straight at them with his rapier and tackled Lisa. She accidentally pulled the trigger and a gunshot echoed throughout the house and a sharp ping sounded.

"Thank god. It only barely grazed Lockwood's foot and hit that china vase." Holly gave a sigh of relief. I quickly rushed to Lockwood's side and pinned down Lisa with his help.

"Well, too bad your revenge didn't go too well, huh? Probably should've planned it better." George taunted from above.

"Aaargh. Mmmf." Lisa struggled from underneath our grasp.

"Hmm? What's that? Can't hear you." George said. "Oh, and I think I'll take that." he added, snatching the gun from the floor.

"Hey, George? You got some of the iron chains? We need to tie up someone." Lockwood smiled.  

**Author's Note**

Hello guys!

I'm kind of sad and excited to announce that Lockwood and Co. The Queen's Spirit Fanfiction will soon be coming to an end. The next and final chapter will be posted on Sunday at 7:PM CET. Plz look forward to it!

Thank you so much for reading! Plz vote, comment and share!  

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