Chapter 4

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"Hmm...what are you thinking?" Lockwood asked.

"Guinevere is the murderer." I declared.

Ravensdale Manor on Masons Avenue is an enormous place. Huge. Big. Even ginormous would be an understatement. It was as big as a cruise ship, stretching from the Baker's Mill to the Raymond's Book Shop which are about a kilometer apart.

It had a great front door, half as tall as the roof and the turrets kissed the sun. Big glass windows were systematically placed everywhere on the manor. The balconies had a great view of the beautiful woods situated behind the manor and the garden was well trimmed with beautiful flowers.

It looked like a house fresh from fairy tales, but I noticed none of this as I headed to the front door.

My main focus was the attic and the psychical aura that radiated from the place. The house looked innocent enough, but the feelings of the house were what gave it away. Most people watching horror movies expect a scary house with broken windows, a forbidden room, mysterious butlers and for some reason, it alway seems to be at night. But this house, it had none of those qualities. It was a dainty little (actually, not so little) manor. It could make you feel right at home, if not for its history of course.

"Ok, remember everyone! Do not mention the house's history to Mrs. Ravensdale. She acts a bit too dramatic for my taste and I have a feeling she will rip the house apart if we so much as mention the horrible deeds that happened here. This will be a quick, fast case that we might finish well before dawn." Lockwood addressed us with his gleaming smile, long, dark coat rippling through the wind. His suit was extra clean today.
"And Kipps, please refrain from using any phrases that will cause the lady to throw us out, strangle us, turn us into visitors or any other horrible fate you can think of," he added, staring Kipps right in the eyes. Kipps glared right back at Lockwood and started to reply when George cut him off.

"Ugh, Quill Kipps. How did he end up with us again? Oh, yeah! Wasn't he saying something about testing out his new goggles? And what was it? Stealing a bit of our fame as well?" asked George with a peeved expression.

"Shut up George. You know that's not the reason. Like I would ever be jealous of the likes of you! Just look at those shorts, grimy with dust and that greasy hair. Is that grape juice on your shirt, Cubbins?" Kipps asked looking down at George's fat frame and held up a hand.
"Don't bother replying; I don't care. Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, as you well know, Penelope Fittes has banned me from all the other companies. So, unfortunately, whether you like it or not, I'm stuck with you people. It's not like I like it either!" Kipps retorted.

"This sort of useless argument is exactly what I meant. Both of you shut up and get along with each other for once!" cried Lockwood. Then he swiftly turned around and rapped the door smartly but no one seemed to hear him in that huge house so he resorted for the bell.

Ding dong.

The bell echoed all around us. And then suddenly the scuffling of footsteps could be heard on the other side and the door opened with a huge creak.

"Oh, my! Lockwood and Co. Right on time! Welcome to our house!" said Mrs, Ravensdale, struggling to keep the great door open. She was wearing another crazy polka dots dress with huge crystal earrings and high heels as tall as my face.
"Please come in. Come in!" she ushered us inside with a gloved hand.

The moment I stepped inside, I was awed by the amazing architecture of the house. If I thought the outside was beautiful, the inside was incomparable. The first thing I noticed was the circular shaped ceiling with elegant chandeliers dangling delicately. They were all lit with candles, the old fashioned way. White marble pillars stretched from the ground to the ceiling. The walls were extravagantly painted white with beautiful shimmering patterns and the floor was made of black marble. Two great stairways enveloped the living room stretching horizontally, meeting in the center. Glass tables were placed in the middle of the room with velvety cushions on humongous sofas. It was a rich man's haven.

"Wow. Nice house you have here Mrs. Ravensdale." George remarked.

"Yes, thank you dear. This is nothing though. You should see my main house in the States. It's huge! This one would be a toothpick compared to that house! And you should see the beautiful, glittering pool we have and the library, the personal spa and---" Mrs. Ravensdale began but her niece, Lisa, interrupted her.

Now, describing people usually isn't my thing. I usually forget them the moment they're gone but I had no trouble describing Lisa. She was beautiful. Really beautiful. Not 'annoying' beautiful but 'exotic beauty' beautiful. She had lush brown hair and pale skin but glowing with health. She wasn't too fat or too thin, she was just perfect with all the right curves in all the right places. She looked about eighteen years old, just a few years older than me. Compared to her pretty features, my dark brown bob, awfully outdated clothes and flabby stomach just didn't make the cut.
"Aunty, I don't think they're much interested in our house in New York City. Perhaps we should get them some tea? I assume it is your tea time?" she inquired, addressing us.

", yes. Yes, it is. But please don't go to the trouble. Just tea is fine." said Lockwood gaping open mouthed at Lisa. She had sure gotten to his head. Not that I cared. He can gape at anyone he wants and I wouldn't care a bit.

"What? Just tea for tea time? No, no, no. You need to have a fine tea. After eating, I shall tell you more about the details of the haunting, or at least what I experienced." Lisa shook her head at us. "Come, let us all go to the dining hall," she said, walking so delicately, a small gust of wind could push her over.

As we made our way there, I noticed the antique pots and vases, the paintings and statues that were littered across the house. Some leaped out at me from hidden corners, casting mingling shadows on the walls.

I paused and gazed at the picture of two little girls. One had shaved her hair off, the other wore glasses with long glossy black hair. It was a black and white photo labeled, The Ravensdale Sisters. Both sisters were smiling at each other and wore the same dresses. They sure looked close, something I had never achieved with my own family. But something looked out of place.

Lockwood caught a glimpse of me from the corner of his eye and turned around to see what I was gazing at. He came and joined me. "Ahh. I see you found pictures of the sisters, Lucy," he said, fixing his long coat.

"Yes...but these sisters...something about them feels....weird," I said. There was a feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach, a strange feeling, something I couldn't quite place. And yet, it was there.

"Me too. I can feel it too. But now is not the time to dwell on it. At least not yet. Let's wait for it to become dark first." Lockwood said reassuringly.

"Okay." I made my way to the dining hall when a piercing scream sounded through the air. A sudden noise that cut through the deep silence. I heard a crash and then the lights went out.  


**Author's Note**

Thank you so much for all the votes and nice comments @NightArrow14 ! I'm so glad you like my book! 

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it! Plz comment, vote and leave constructive criticism! I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing! What do you think happened after the cliffhanger? 


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