Food Poisoning

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I actually git the idea from How I Met Your Mother :) one of my favorite episodes!



I have the best friends, the best brother, and the best husband! I'm really happy to have Logan, Carlos, Alexa, and Peta to be my friends. James as my amazingly brother. And Kendall, the guy that I want to spent my life with. James and Peta are dancing buddies (but we all know they are more than that), Carlos and Alexa are married, and then the forever alone, Logan. Carlos and Alexa are working in a restaurant that they owned, Logan works as bartender in the most famous club, James and Peta work as dancing teachers, Kendall works as a hockey player, while I teach kids arts.

Everything's perfect, except one thing. I haven't pregnant, yet. Kendall and I tried almost every 3 days (wow that's a lot), but negative. A year before, I thought I was pregnant, but the doctor said it was a false alarm. Our hearts broke into million pieces. Since that day, we were actually giving up. But all of our friends came to us say, "Don't give up!". And we tried and tried. The result is



A month later, after Kendall and I are finally giving up, I want to cheer ourselves up with our favorite soup. Kendall is practicing in the hockey ring, that's why I bring Peta with me. The reason I didn't bring Alexa because she's out of the country with Carlos.

Peta and I finally in the place where we wanted to buy the soup. Peta sees the logo of the restaurant, and I order the soup for Kendall and I. Then Peta remembered.

"Didn't you said that you got food poisoning in here?" Peta asked, pointing to the logo of the restaurant.

"Yeah," I said while nodding. "We were food poisoning for 4 times."

"Then why are you still buying it?" She asked with confusion on her face.

"Don't you see the sign there?" I pointed to the sign, under the logo of the restaurant.

"If you were food poisoning, you got free one and a half gallons of soup...?" She read it more like questioning.

Peta gets sick when she sees the chef cough in front of the soup while its cooking. Well I have to admit, this place stinks. But as long as it tastes good, it doesn't matter to me.

I paid the guy and he gives me my order. Peta and I go back home, since Peta and I have to teach. I left the soup for Kendall, and I added note, also I bring the other soup for myself.


My students are already in my class, and I have to bring the hamster for my students to draw it. I put the cage in the center of the class.

"Kids, this is Mr. Bubble, since Mr. Nuts got ran off by a bicycle. So, for today, I want you guys to-" Then I throw up.

The kids are starting to make noises like "eww" or "aww". I really don't know what made me throw up, until I turn around and see the soup.

"Oh no," I said regretting myself and called Kendall. Because he's suppose to be home.


I got a promotion to be the captain of the team. And I have to prove my coach that I'm worthy for that position. And coach will see me play at 5pm. And it's still 2pm. I open the refrigerator and see a note on me and (Y/N)'s favorite soup. Even though we got poisoned for 4 times.

"To cheer u up, I bought ur fav soup! Don't forget to warm it up  :) ♥ (Y/N)"


I ran to our place to stop Kendall from eating it. I don't want him to sick because of the stupid soup. I do stop in couples of garbage can to throw up, and run over to our apartment.

I open the door, and see Kendall almost eating it.

"Don't eat it!" I yelled and ran to Kendall. I'm smiling really relieved because Kendall hasn't eating it.

"This is my second bowl," Kendall said expressionless to me. My smile fade and I run to the toilet, and throw up. "Why shouldn't I eat it?" Kendall asked. I answer him with the sound of my puke coming out. "Why shouldn't I eat it?" Kendall asked again. And again, I answer him with the sound of my puke coming out. And that, Kendall knew that I got food poisoning.


It has been the 6th times (Y/N) throws up. And it's 4pm. I have to take care of her, but I can't. Right now, I'm on the phone with my coach.

"Coach, can you watch me practice on wednesday? I have to take care of my wife. She has been sick really bad." I said to the phone.

"You can't, I only have today. Hope you showed up," my coach said and hang up.

"Well?" (Y/N)'s asked me with her low voice. Apparently, she has flu also.

"I might lose the promotion if I'm not showing up." I said with sigh, and sit on the couch besides my wife. "What if I got sick? What if I throw up in the rink, and coach will see me? I will lose the promotion!" I said desperately and leaned back to the couch.

"No you're not. You're strong! Believe me Kendall, I married to the most confident man I knew. And that's why I said 'yes' when you proposed me." She said caress my hair. "Because, you weren't chickened out when the first time you asked me on a date. Unlike the guys who used to date me."

I smile and nod. I get up from my couch and prepare anything to keep me away from getting sick. Like water, carrots, and a picture of my wife of course. When it's all prepared, I kissed my wife and off to practice.


I take a bus to home, because I'm really sick. I left the practice earlier because of my condition not doing really well.

When I'm already home, I open the door not dare to see my wife.

"What happened, baby?" (Y/N) asked hurriedly came after me.

"I just... I ruined our family!" I stormed out. "I can't make us a baby, I'm not taking care of you, and I might not be the captain of the hockey team!" I let tears stroll down my cheeks. "I'm sorry."

"Baby-" (Y/N) wanted to caress my cheek, but I refused it.

"I just wanted to sleep. Before puking a lot like you," I said in a low voice, and so (Y/N) knew that this is a code to leaving me alone for awhile. I walk to our room and sleep.


I wake up and it's already morning. I smile see the sunshine. (Y/N) walks in, and sit on our bed.

"Babe, it's amazing! I'm not sick!" I said happily, and my wife smile back.

"I know baby..." my wife said smiling.


"That means the soup is alright! We should eat in there like right now!" My husband said intertwine our hands.

"I can't, baby. It's not healthy for us." I said smiling really happy.

"No, look! I'm fine! If you don't want-" I stalled Kendall.

"And by 'us' it's not for you, Kendall." I said calmly. Kendall gives me the 'explain-this-please-you're-not-joking' look. I broke into tears and give him the pregnancy test.

"Positive," Kendall said motionless and see me with watery eyes.

"I'm pregnant, Kendall."

Kendall jumps and hug me, kiss me on the cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, and my lips. And since today, we knew that our family change. Especially when someone is on his/her way to be in the middle of our small family.


pls tell me if u guys liked it :) im almost graduate from middle school!! am i going to graduate?? hope so!

btw, have a nice day!!

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