"Oh damn these butterflies," Dwen groaned, caressing her slightly pudgy belly. "Take it you're nervous," Kefiris stated the obvious. "That and a bit of a stomach ache. Darain nearly spent all her money on that humongous load of sweets!" Dwen exclaimed, leaving the compartment like everyone else.

  "If I can't hold my sweets what am I to do when I've had a bit to much to drink!?" Dwen exclaimed to Kefiris, following the line of exiting students. "You wouldnt dare drink at this age!" Darain practically screamed four kids away from Dwen and Kefiris.

"Course I won't. Not until I've done it all would I ever touch firewhiskey or anything of that sort," Dwen called back, her hands still clutching her stomach.

  "I'll be watching you, girl," Darain said, humor in her tone. "Right, then. First years, this way, please," Hagrid, a very large man yelled, nearing the train with a lantern in hand. "Come on, first years, dont be shy.

  Come on now, hurry up," Hagrid called out. "Watch that step there," Dwen warned Kefiris who's foot was missing a step entirely. "Could've died my first day," Dwen joked, looking down before descending the few steps and jumping to the ground.

Every first year looked around in pure astonishment. There wasn't anything incredible to look at yet they looked on as if there was. "I feel as though I'm seeing the world for the first time," Dwen whispered, slowly spinning in circles to admire her surroundings.

"We're woke," Kefiris stated, looking around. Dwen furrowed her brows. "I sure hope so. Wouldn't want some unlucky person to miss this because of a nap," Dwen said, now looking at everyone trying to find anyone who looks to be sleepwalking.

  Kefiris shook his head and chuckled. His mum is American. "Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me," Hagrid ordered, turning and gesturing to follow him. "Boats? Then where are all they going?" Tonelle asked, coming to Kefiris' side.

"The carriages," Dwen simply said before spotting Fred, George and Percy and waving goodbye.

"Cerridwen, come on," Tanelle nagged at Cerridwen who was being pushed around by the rushing first years. "A wee bit busy being smushed. Be there in a jiffy, Tanelle Tot" Cerridwen grunted out as she held her elbows together so as to not accidentally jab anyone.

"Quickly before others try and take our boat!" Tanelle growled, grasping Dwen's wrist and dragging her to the lake with the boats. "Careful, I dont fancy a broken wrist" Dwen snapped, ripping her wrist away and stepping into the boat.

Tanelle rolled her eyes and settled into the boat with Dolve by her. The boat rocked under Dwen's weight. "I need to lay off the treacle tarts I'm gaining lots more weight," Dwen chuckled, steadying herself on the boat.

"No worry, Quidditch will shed all that weight off you in no time," Kefiris said, sitting beside Dwen. Just then the boats began moving and Dolve held onto the lantern as it wobbled. "Ooooh," Dwen quipped, looking out beyond the boat.

"Dwen, there isnt anything there," Tanelle deadpanned. Dwen snorted, her crooked smile wide. "Course there is, theres a new begging out there," Dwen argued, smiling into the distance.

  Dolve smiled sweetly, resuming her knitting. Tanelle rolled her eyes but peeped over her shoulder to the new begging and Kefiris rolled his eyes and chuckled.

  Everyone was looking out, trying to catch a glimpse of the castle behind the fog. "Bet its massive," Kefiris quipped. "Bet you 2 sickles it isn't as grand," Tanelle responded, looking over to Kefiris smugly.

   Dwen wasnt paying attention to the argument that began between Kefiris and Tanelle. Her attention was to the lake that her fingers trailed along, her slender fingers disappearing into the dark water. "Look there!" Dolve cried out, pointing into the distance.

  Dwen whipped herself upright and practically fell out as she followed Dolves finger. Tanelle and Kefiris' shouts had disappeared as they too eagerly looked to the castle.

And there it was, warm lights dotting the enormous castle. The top of the towers like daggers that pierced into the dark sky. "Wicked," Dwen breathed, her eyes wide and bright and her jaw slacked open.

  Everyone's eyes were glued to the magnificent building. Then the boats jerked to a stop and Dwen gasped as she was thrown back a bit. "You alright, Dwen" Dolve gasped, holding her hand out to Dwen. "Quite so, dear Dove," Dwen assured, taking Dolve's hand and hoisting herself up.

  "Thanks," she smiled as she followed everyone who had left the boats and began walking. Dwen looked around confused. "No dragons coming to pick us up? Little buggers lied!" Dwen fumed.

"Fred an George were lying about those dragons weren't they?" Ron asked, walking alongside Dwen. "Yeah, I was really looking forward to riding one. Charlie is the luckiest bloke. He gets to be around tons and all I've got is a tooth, scale and eye of a dragon," Dwen rambled.

  Ron scrunched his nose once he remembered the many strange collections that Dwen kept in her room. Harry who listened intently, looked to Ron with round eyes.

  "She found em when we visited my brother Charlie in Romania. There was a bloody fight between two dragons and Dwen got a few souvenirs," Ron explained to Harry whos eyes stayed wide.

  "Dragons," Harry whispered astonishing. The mass of first years followed the giant, Dwen whistling as she went.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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