Chapter 5

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A year later

- Sim...
Simon didn't even bother to lift his eyes off his book.
- What ?
- We should do something
- Why ?
- Because I'm bored... Nick whined

Simon continued to read his book about biology.
They were getting closer to the exams and nedded to pass this biology test if he wanted to go in medical biology in college.

- Stop studying, Nick whined
- Nick, you're acting lika 5 years old
- Maybe, but I got plenty of ideas...
Nick's fingers trailed on his hip and Simon was getting more and more tempted to shove the book in his pretty face. He sighed and shook his head.

- Yeah ? What am I going to say when I get the exam ? "Sorry, I can't do the test right now, my boyfriend's blowing me."
- Basically, Nick shrugged

He finally dropped the book on the couch and looked at Nick, who was sitting on the floor.
- Fine, what do you have in mind ?
Nick smirked and got on his knees.
- Remember when I was beaten up last year ?
Simon frowned and nodded slowly.
- Well, when we were laying on the couch, that night, you said something about a vacation or something like that.
- That was over a year ago.
- Does it matter ?
- I guess not, he sighed
Nick flashed a smile and tillted his head
- So... Where d'you wanna go ? Simon sighed
- I... I don't really know. Nick stuttered. "Maybe hiking, or the beach, or something like that."
- Well, maybe I got an idea
- Really ? What is it ?

Simon nearly jumped off the couch and to the computer on the kitchen's counter. He typed fast as Nick stood up and crept behind him, trying to see what he was so excited about. Before he could see anything, Simon turned aroud, a joyful expression lightening his face.

-Mount Omaha, he declared proudly

Nick looked at the picture on the screen. It was a magnificent, green mountain with a flat summit. He could see the few trees peaking in the azure sky. What really drew his attention was the summit. It was a dark blue, like someone had dropped ink on a canvas.

-What's at the top ?
- A lake
Nick shot his head to his angel.
- A lake ?
- You asked if I wanted to hike or go to the beach, " Both " he shrugged
- How did you think of that ?
- I have an excellent memory
- Yeah, no shit, Sherlock, Nick chuckled
Simon joined him and pecked his forehead.
- So, what do you say ?
- I say, when do we take off ?
- Maybe tomorrow afternoon ?
- That soon ?
- Well, we don't have school today, and I need a break of reading, Sim said as he looked desperatly at the book on the couch. "Plus, the weather will be crappy. We'll have the whole place for ourselves."
- You think your mom will be okay with this ?
- She's okay with me staying at a friend's. She doesn't need to know I'm going in another state.
- Well, aren't you a little rebel...
Nick made a step forward, pressing himself against the taller man. Simon hummed.
- Just for you, he whispered before kissing the blonde boy.

Their kiss was quick, yet meaningful, full of promises.

- We should pack, Nick whispered, reluctantly pulling back.
Simon nodded slowly and kissed Nick goodbye.


They packed the car early, their eyes still half-closed from the lack of sleep. When their heavy bags were neatly stacked in the trunk, Nick hopped behind the weels, Simon by his side, already dizzy. After 30 minutes, he heard his breathing slowing, steadying, indicating the sleep of his angel. He turned his head to see the raven-haired boy carelessly leaning on the window, his mouth slightly agape. He chuckled softly and stared back to the highway, miles of grey sky and ciment road passing before him. After an hour of sleep, Simon slowly emerged of his slup, grunting as he sat properly on his seat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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