The Story

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Hers was the blue of the waves upon sand

And she was the element of change and of spirit.

She thought of her life to be simple, yet grand;

And told of her story to all who would hear it.

His was the blue of the warm summer sky

And his element bled of experience new.

He'd only once heard of another man's cry;

But to womens' he found that he hadn't a clue.

They were the binding of all that was good,

Together they glowed in a turquoise divine;

Attempted to savor all that they could,

He unaware that they both crossed a line.

Then came the day when a new shade was found--

The red of the rubies and roses and lips--

And sent them in turmoil, chaos around;

When none had before experienced such trips.

They emerged separate, unlike before;

The outcome was far from a transparent dream.

For her, he sees affection no more,

While the sea boils, envious, green.

A/N: Wooo! I'm studying at Radford University right now for a summer program called "Governor's School" and it's SO AWESOME. There's an open mic night every Friday so I felt like writing something new to share with the others.. and thus, this was born!

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