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What started as a simple gesture-

No, nothing this wicked could-

But I must,

I must follow through.


Should I only live to serve?

But perhaps there is more to this;

a thin lining behind the shell.

My shell.

Though I am sometimes unsure-

His way will be the only cure!

I, I can't... What beckons me to go?

Away from the home I no longer know?

I must follow through.

His way will be the only cure.

A/N: I'm not entirely sure if this sounds confusing to the reader or not. The other day I watched "Winter in Wartime" with my parents and it really got to me. It's about a Dutch boy that's conflicted by the increasing German influence on his home village. I've seen other World War II-based movies before, but none made me feel like this one did.

I [tried to] write this from the perspective of a German soldier. It's all I can do to try to comprehend what made those men willing to do so many horrific crimes against other humans.

Still not sure what to think.

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