-Chapter 4- 'Tell me!'

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After a relaxing break while the boys were gone I began to feel very unwell. I still wasn't too sure why but as I was laying down in my bed Chord opened my door. "Sorry Princess, just wanted to tell you that the Princes have returned" explained Chord. Since the Princes left chord has become more distant from me but seems a little more calmer around me but I still have no idea what is wrong with him. "Ok but Chord..." Before I could continue talking he disappeared out my door. "Rude" I sighed. But on the bright side at least Kurt is back right? I walked over to my wardrobe and put on a black short dress with pink polka dots. After putting it on I put my hair up in a pony tail and headed out of my room. I went down the stairs and headed for the from of the castle and there they were. Each of them on their own horse except Lewis since he went home after I explained to my mum that I wasn't interested in him. Josh was on a black horse which had a blue saddle and banner which was his kingdoms flag. Blaine was on a light brown horse with white patches wearing a green saddle with banner that was his kingdoms flag. Tyler's horse was white wearing a red saddle with a banner of his kingdoms flag and finally Kurt was on his blue roan horse wearing a yellow saddle with his kingdoms saddle. Each of the Princes wore matching colour armour to their horses saddle. Each of them were waving to the crowd in excitement and the crowd went wild. As they were right outside the castle they hopped off their horses and handed the reigns to a member of castle staff then entered the castle going past me in the order of Josh, Blaine, Kurt then Tyler. The only ones that smiled at me as they passed me was Blaine and Kurt. I followed them on their was to the throne room where my dad sat on his throne proudly. They all stood in a line and bowed to him. "Congratulations on your quests gentleman. Although you were gone a week longer than expected but no problem" explained king Winter. "Wait so how long were they gone for?" I asked. "For exactly eight weeks and two days," said Tyler. "Wow didn't know that Lewis was actually here taking your place Tyler" laughed Blaine. "Shut up" snapped Tyler. ",I thought you said they would only be gone seven weeks!" I said in shock. "Well we were but we ran into some complications on our way home" said Josh. "I wouldn't call a dragon a complication" laughed Kurt.
"Yeah not only that but the weather was appalling and that really made the horses play up" explain Blaine. "Overall you all did well gents. Now you can go rest in your guest room for a bit but don't forget to hang out with my daughter ok?" Explained king Winter. "Yes your highness" they all said as they were then dismissed. They all then headed out of the throne room and headed to their own rooms except Blaine and Kurt waited in the hall way. I stood behind in the throne and kept on the other side of the door and was listening to the conversation they were having. "Do you remember anything from the night of the Princess' birthday?" Asked Kurt. "Not really all I remember is drinking with Josh and Tyler then waking up in the carriage topless... No idea what I was doing there frankly" sighed Blaine. "I remember nothing either I woke up in a bush" laughed Kurt. "Not compensating are you?" Laughed Blaine. "Shut up" laughed Kurt as they were both standing their laughing. "But seriously though the only ones who claim to have gotten luck was Blaine and Tyler though apparently" sighed Blaine. "Really? Do they remember who with?" Asked Kurt with concern. "No idea but they were both found in their boxers in the ballroom that morning" laughed Blaine. "You gotta hand it to them, they party hard" said Kurt. "Too hard if you ask me" replied Blaine. "That's true" said Kurt. "Listen I'll talk to you later on alright? Going to take a decent bath instead of that river filled with leeches" said Blaine. "Oh shit don't remind me" cried Kurt. "Yeah one got you good" laughed Blaine as I heard footsteps of him walking away. "See ya!" Yelled Kurt. "Back at ya" said Blaine as I then heard silence. I then opened the door and I saw Kurt was still standing there waiting for me. "Hey you were waiting for me?" I said in confusion trying to act natural. "Of course I did! I missed you" said Kurt as he smiled as he scratched his chin. "Did you really?" I said beginning to swoon. "You know me Megs I don't lie" said Kurt as he then held my left and and brought it up to his lips and planted a tender kiss. Immediately I was red all over as I had forgotten the electricity in his touch. "Apart from that I bought you a gift from my quest" said Kurt as he then let go of my hand. "You didn't have to" I said filled with suprise but to be honest I actually wanted him to get me something. He got his small side bag and brought it round to the front of him and began to rummage through it. "Close your eyes" he said with a smile. I trusted him not to be silly so I closed my eyes and held out my hands. I felt a small rectangular box was placed on my left hand. "Open them" said Kurt. I opened my eyes to see a a carefully wrapped box which was in gold wrapping paper tied with a silver ribbon. "Oh my god thank you so much" I cried as I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears of joy. "Oi, don't thank me for the wrapping paper and open the bitch!" Demanded Kurt. "Ok ok" I said as I then began to undo the wrapping paper carefully. Pulling back the wrapping paper and it revealed a black box. The suspense was a knife slowly cutting into me, I couldn't stand it so I opened the lid of the box and it revealed a beautiful gold necklace with a little golden bear holding a heart which was a ruby. "Oh my god!" I cried. "You like it?" Asked Kurt. "Of course I do! Thank you so much!!!" I said as I kissed I'm on the cheek. "Oh" sighted Kurt looking upset. "What's wrong?" I asked with worry. "I buy you something and all I get is a kiss on the cheek! Id of settled for one on the lips" laughed Kurt. I rolled my eyes then pushed him playfully. "Anyway you better go take a bath you stink" I said.
"Can't deny that, see you later Megs love you" he said as he then ran off in the way to his guest room. He loves me... He actually fucking said he loves me! I skipped happily on my way to the dining room and then grabbed myself something to eat. After eating I exited the castle and walked the halls in deep thought then I heard Callum was shouting. I look out the window to notice that he was having a sword fight with Blaine. Why are they fighting? I ran at the speed of a cheetah outside to the field where they were fighting. "Take that!" Yelled Callum. Their swords bashed against each other, metal against metal with ear piercing clink. "Stop it the pair of you!" I shouted. The pair of them looked at me blankly they put their swords back into their scabbards then approached me. "What you shouting?" Asked Callum as he stood infront of me. "Why were you both fighting?" I asked angrily. "Um maybe because he's good at fencing so I asked him to help me improve" said Callum as he folded his arms with a confused look plastered on his face. "Oh... I thought you both were fighting properly..." I said feeling pretty stupid. "Well that was dumb wasn't it. Don't jump to conclusions ok?" Laughed Callum. Blaine then walked up to us and stood next to him. "Callum. You're fencing has improved so don't worry about your sister stopping the fight ok?" Said Blaine with a smile. "Alright" said Callum as he then walked indoors. I didn't know they were practising... But I do feel guilty about their fighting session ending early. "Hey Blaine I'm sorry about ending the fight" I said as he looked at me closely. "It's ok anyways I wanted to hang out with you before Kurt has you all to himself" said Blaine as he winked at me in a flirtatious manner. "Oh really?" I said beginning to blush alot more. And I stood side to side nervously. "Yeah, he didn't half chat my ear off with it on the trip" said Blaine. "Are you just interested in me because Kurt is?" I snapped as I folded my arms and scowled at him. "What? Jumping the arrow a bit there aren't you. Of course not!" Cried Blaine in shock. "Sorry..." I said calming down again. "It's ok just don't jump to conclusions ok?" Said Blaine as he laughed nervously. I nodded in agreement as Blaine then grabbed my left hand and began to pull me along. "Come on let's go" he cried. "Um where are we going?" I asked as I had a feeling of déjà vu. "I'm going to teach you a way to protect yourself" explained Blaine. "Really?" said feeling nervous and excited.
He dragged me along past the stables to the woods where he had set up an archery range. "Archery? Really?" I said looking at the targets in a bit of an unimpressed way. "Some say live,laugh, love. I say raise, aim shoot" said Blaine as he went up to the target and grabbed a bow and a quiver which had three arrows in it. While looking at me he loaded his bow and shot one at a time and every time was dead in the middle. My jaw dropped in amazement. "Ok now that's cool" I said as Blaine then passed me my own bow and quiver. "Ok now stand sideways with your bow facing the target. Then put an arrow on the arrow plate. After that pull the string back, aim and shoot. But remember this, the longer the hold to shoot the less power is in your shot" explained Blaine. I nodded and stood side ways and was trying to stand ready to shoot when Blaine stood behind me and guided my arms and whispered what he said again. I aimed and I shot. The arrow flew through the air gracefully like a swan landing onto the waters surface. The arrow then went into the target in the red inner section three rings out from the inner bullseye. "Seven. Not bad for your first shot" said Blaine smiling at me. "Try again this time without me guiding you" explained Blaine as he let go of me and watched patiently. I pulled back the string carefully then aimed. I hesitated a little bit then shot the arrow. The arrow went into the black... "Fuck" I sighed with disappointment. "It's ok princess, I guess I was your lucky charm which is why you were able to shoot better before hand" said Blaine. "I guess maybe you were but maybe we should test that theory" I said as Blaine guided me again as I could feel him breathing against my neck and I aimed and shot the arrow. The arrow was a bullseye again. "Looks like I'm definitely your good luck charm" smiled Blaine as he then kissed my cheek from behind. "Care to walk through around the lake?" Asked Blaine as he continued to kiss my neck. "Sure" I said as input the bow down and the quiver. He held my hand and began to walk with me along the shore of the lake and with each step the stones under out feed crunched. "So you and my brother get on" I said happily. "Yes he is a good fighter, but with a bit of help from yours truly he might be second best at least" said Blaine with a smile. "So who's the best?" I questioned. "Me you Muppet" laughed Blaine. As we walked around the lake I began to learn alot about Blaine. Such as he has a little sister that is a spoilt brat and that he's been on lots of different journeys to places. He seems like a jerk when you don't know him and he tends to be silly but overall he is caring and tends to very serious. Especially when he's interested in something. "Remember when we were playing Never have I ever?" I asked. "What about it?" Asked Blaine curiously. "You have been drunk alot of times I just wanted to ask what makes you drink?" I asked carefully. Blaine stopped in his tracks and looked like he was mad but also sad. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" I said as he stood there completely unresponsive. He looked like he was frozen in by his emotions like a statue with a straight face. "Blaine?" I said as he was still unresponsive.
After nothing but silence for several minutes "I drink because it distracts me from my problems. It's the way I cope" explained Blaine as I could see his eyes were filling with tears. I hugged him tight to try and comfort him. "Control your emotions Blaine don't let them control you" I said as I then heard him break down. His tears landed on my holder but what surprised me is how much tears were falling since he was very silent. "It's alright Blaine let it out" I said as he was still crying in silence. He then dried his tears with his left hand and I stopped hugging him. "Thank you Megan" said Blaine as he then stopped crying all together. "No problem but make sure you don't rely on drink too much or you'll become an alcoholic" I said with apprehension digging me like a mole in the ground. "I already am an alcoholic but luckily I've got Josh and Tyler since they know how it is" explained Blaine as we continued to walk again. "How so?" I asked as he held my hand firmly. "They are as well so they can relate" answered Blaine. "So you all go out drinking to deal with your emotions together?..." I said as I rolled my eyes. "What's the problem with that?" Asked Blaine. "Because not only are you all alcoholics drinking together, but the fact that you all drink to avoid dealing with your problems together causes you all to continue drinking even more than before hand making your problems worse. What you should of done instead was find people who don't drink as much to then hang around them. That way you'll end up drinking less and can get proper help to deal with your emotions" I explained. "Ok I see your point" said Blaine as he smiled in an unpleasant way. "If you need anyone I'm here for you ok?" I said as he then calmed down fully back to his joyful self. "So you actually lost your virginity then? I noticed in the game that we played before we all went on our quest" explained Blaine. "I don't really feel comfortable talking about it..." I replied. Blaine looked at me in deep thought then sighed deeply. "You lost it while drunk didn't you" said Blaine. I said nothing at all but kept walking anyways. "I take that as a yes... It's nothing to be ashamed of. Frankly that's how I lost mine as well. But luckily for you at least you didn't wake up still there... I woke up next to the one I lost my virginity to. Now I'm glad I was drunk when I slept with her because no way I would of sober" sighed Blaine. "I guess..." I said as I felt ashamed and insecure. "I trust you Megan but I would like it if you trusted me as well" snapped Blaine. "Of course I do!" I cried. "Then why don't you open up to me?" Said Blaine with the look of betrayal across his face. "Because I'm ashamed ok? I don't know who I fucking fucked ok Blaine. On my birthday I went with someone and got fucked in a stables and woke up in my room. I'm scared and have no idea if they had a bloody condom on or not ok?" I shouted at him at the top of my lungs as I then broke down and cried. Blaine's face dropped and his eyes widened. "Holy shit! So do you know if you are pregnant or not?" Asked Blaine. "I don't know" I said wiping away my salty tears. "I'm sorry if I pushed you into telling me Megan... I also want to offer my help in figuring out who it was who had done this... Also I just want to say that on your birthday I have no idea what happened but I can help you find out if you are pregnant or not" explained Blaine. "Thank you for offering your help and how could you help find out if I'm pregnant or not?" I asked curiously. "Well I can get some magic that tells if you are pregnant or not" replied Blaine as we started to head back to the castle. "We have no witches or warlocks in my kingdom I don't think" I sighed. "Don't worry I can head back to my home and find a witch and explain the situation" said Blaine as he kissed my cheek. "Thank you Blaine. "No problem but can I ask you something?" Said Blaine. "Ok sure" I said in an unsure way as he held my hand tight and then kissed my hand. "If you were pregnant would you keep the child?" Asked Blaine. What kind of question was that? It's an unborn child that is half of me and part of something else... No way I could give it up if I do find out I was pregnant! "If I find out that I'm actually pregnant then I'm keeping the child because no matter who the father is it's still part of me" I explained as I looked down to my stomach in wonder. "I think you'd be a great mother... What if you're not pregnant after all?" Asked Blaine. "Then after I get married I'll have a baby with them when we are ready for one" I replied as we got to the woods. "Fair enough but can I ask you something else since after you and I arrive at the castle I'll get my horse and ride home for the spell to see if you are or not?" Said Blaine. "Sure" I said with a smile. "You don't think we could just stay out here in the woods for a bit could you?" He said blushing. "What?" I said in confusion. "Oh come on what do you think" said Blaine as he rolled his eyes. If you're asking if you can have sex with me in the woods I'll have to decline the offer just incase that I'm actually pregnant" I said regretting what I said afterwards a little bit. "Not even just a little something? Anything?" Asked Blaine. "No sex but you can kiss ok?" I explained as he was practically begging at this point. As we got to near the castle that I could see it through the trees that we were literally just two trees away from being in the field between Blaine pinned me against a tree and began to stick his tongue down my throat.
You've got to hand it to him he isn't half adventurous. His hands didn't go down under my dress but ontop of the fabric he placed his hand on my right breast as he continues to let his tongue explore every inch of my mouth. He leaned against me and I could feel his heart beat in his chest as I placed my hand in the center of his chest and then we stopped kissing to breathe then I kissed his neck and then he began to nibble on mine which was quite ticklish. His lips then returned to mine and then he kissed my cheek. He then whispered in my left ear "if only I could continue and adventure you even more" he said in a sexy yet troublesome way. I wanted him to continue as well but I wanted answers even more due to the suspense. "I want you to aswell but I am dying from the suspense and the fear of the unknown of me being pregnant or not" I explained to him. "It's ok, I better get my horse ready anyway but do me a favour and don't worry yourself ok?" Smiled Blaine as he began to go to the stables. I followed in after him and thought this could be the opportunity to see if my bra and underwear were in there. As I entered the barn I saw that Blaine got his horse out of its stall and began to get it's saddle on. "He's beautiful" I said as I stroked it's mane which was brown like chocolate. "He's called Chara" said Blaine as he buckled up the saddle. "Nice name" as I stroked it's head carefully. "His name means a man who loves freedom and adventure" laughed Blaine. "So it's basically a horse that describes your personality" I said as Blaine got onto the horses back. "Well yeah. I better be off princess but trust me I will miss you so much" smiled Blaine as he then walked out of the stables on Chara's back. "Fair well Megan!" Shouted Blaine as Chara reared and they galloped away out of sight. I waved goodbye to him then saw the hey stack that I was laying in right next to the entrance of the stables and saw that there was a strange stain on the ground but nothing more. I should of came here first to check for clues weeks ago since there is nothing here really but the only thing the same was the hay since it showed a human indent on the pile. I then gave up looking and walked back into the castle and headed back up to my room. I opened my door and sat down on my bed and then my door opened afterwards which was my mum. "Hey sweetie any one else you want to send home?" Asked my mum. "Well Tyler I think since he's not really interested in anything really and the only time I spent with him he wasted since he just invited everyone else along so he might as well go home" I explained. "Fair enough, we will send him home tomorrow morning. You're dad is happy that you are narrowing the list down since he thought that you would struggle to choose out of all of them but it would be good to tell him the choice has gone down to Kurt,
Blaine and Josh" said Queen Winter as she then turned around and exited my room and shut the door behind her carefully. So many thoughts went through my mind. Was I pregnant? Am I over reacting and there isn't actually a baby growing inside me? Am I just sending people home who might actually be the father to the baby growing inside me? I just layed back and let out a big sigh. "Surely things will get back to normal right?" I said to myself as my door suddenly burst open. "Chord?" I said as I sprung up on my bed and sat down facing him. He slammed the door behind him and he looked like he hadn't slept at all. "What's the meaning of this Chord?" I asked with concern. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry" he said as he broke down on the floor of my bedroom crying. "What for?" I asked in shock. He then mumbled something that I couldn't understand then he looked up to me with a tear going down his left cheek. "I should of told you sooner but I'm so so sorry" cried Chord. "It's ok Chord. Calm down" I said as he looked up at me and then got something from his pocket. He was shaking violently as he placed it on my lap. It was my bra and underwear that I was wearing on my birthday... The same ones that went missing... "How did you get these?" I asked in shock. "I should of said at the time I know but... I was afraid" cried Chord as he continues to cry. "Chord what did you do?" I asked him as I placed my hands on his shoulders trying to see his face. He then looked up to me with pure fear tattooed to his face. "Ok... Ok I'll tell you.." said Chord as he stood up and faced me with his eyes filled with tears.

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