-Chapter 2- 'Captain Kurt'

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My eye lids were heavy as tried to open them. A beacon of light was blinding me which added to my head pounding with pain. I slowly sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes then I noticed I was still in my birthday dress. That's odd I thought but then I realized, how did I get back to my room? Did I actually have sex with a stranger last night in the stables after all or was it in my room all along?... Did I even lose my virginity last night?... My head pounded more and I began to feel sick. I ran out of bed towards the toilet where I vomited up all the contents in my stomach. Man I hate hangovers. I then stood up and felt funny... like a breeze. I then slowly looked down and gradually rolled up my dress. I figured where the breeze was coming from... It was the fact that my underwear was missing. Now that began to go over and over in my head. My underwear is missing. Taken or misplaced... I never not wear underwear so I knew it was definitely taken. There then was a knock on my door. I quickly unrolled my dress letting it go back down and ran to my bed and got into the covers of my bed and then looked towards the door. "Come in" I said as the door handle began to go down. The door opened and it was Chord and my mum. My mum entered the room first followed by Chord. "Are you alright sweetheart?" asked Queen Winter with concern. "I'm pretty hungover with no idea how I got here so I'm not great mum" I said as I noticed that Chord just looked at the ground and didn't raise his head at all from the moment he entered my room. "Well sweetheart you and all of the Princes had quite alot to drink last night. We found one of them passed out in the carriage this morning without his shirt on, another two passed out in the ballroom, and the rest passed out outside. However, what concerned me is that you were in the stables, Chord found you there and carried you up here single handedly" explained Queen Winter. So I was in the stables... Oh god how was in when he found me? Was my dress up? Did he see anyone exit there first? What does he know? "That explains how I got here then but what was I doing in the stables?" I asked doing my best to look convincing that I have completely no idea what I was doing there. Chord only then raised his head and folded his arms and began to speak;"I was wondering the halls looking for you after your father reported you missing. I searched everywhere but then I found you in the stables..." He paused for quite a while and then continued to speak. "You were just lying there so I just picked you up and carried you here carefully then told the king that I had found you in the stables shortly after" said Chord. I believed what he said but I felt like there was more to the story then what he had said. "Thank you Chord" I said with a smile which made him blush. "Chord you are to keep an eye on my daughter today to look after her and make sure that we find out why she was there. You are also to make sure that she spends time with one of the Princes today understand?" Explained Queen Winter. "I don't need a babysitter" I said as I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Nonsense after a night like that you need protection" snapped the queen. "Your majesty, the princess will not leave my sight" said Chord as he bowed to her. "Very well. Have fun you two but not too much fun" ordered queen Winter as she left the room and shut the door behind her.
Chord just looked at me sweetly as I sat there. It kind of gave me a bit of a creepy feeling. "So you're with me all day?" I said awkwardly. "Yes as protection princess" said Chord with a bow. Protection... "Oh shit!" I cried. "What is it princess?" Cried Chord with concern as he approached my bedside. I didn't mean to say that outloud... Crap. Stupid me, stupid me. What can I tell him? Oh nothing Chord just had sex with a stranger last night and I don't think that he was wearing a condom! If I told him that it would lead to more questions... Think Megan, think! "Oh it's just I don't know what dress I should pick to wear today" I lied. "May I help princess- of course not to dress you I mean. But choose a dress for you possibly to help?" Said Chord blushing red like a strawberry. "That would help" I said as I smiled awkwardly. Chord walked over to my wardrobe and began to look through my dresses. He picked out a beautiful beige dress which stops at my knees and it has one sleeve and placed it on my bed then found a red dress which goes down to just above my knees which has no sleeves at all but has a black sequin elasticated part that is sown onto the dress which is around my waist when I have it on. He then got one last dress out and it was a plain baby blue dress with white polka dots on it that has sleeves and goes down to my knees. He placed them all on the bottom of my bed carefully. I then stood up and stood next to him and looked at the dresses. "What dress do you prefer?" Asked Chord. I was pretty surprised by how good his taste in clothing was but out of all of them the one that stood out to me was the baby blue one with polka dots. I picked up the dress and took it off its hanger. "Oh so you're going for a playful but cute look?" Said Chord as he flashed a mischievous grin. "Well yeah. Because I'm having to spend time with a prince today and it would help if you could put the other two dresses away while I go into the bathroom to get changed" I instructed. Chord nodded and he got the dresses off of my bed and walked over to my wardrobe to put them away while I went to the bathroom to get changed. as I took my dress off I then discovered that not only was my underwear missing but so was my bra. I definitely was wearing them! Where are they? I put the baby blue dress on and then exited the bathroom and then went to my underwear draw and picked up a new pair of underwear and a matching bra and went back to the bathroom and took the dress off again and put on my underwear and bra then put on the dress again. "You ok princess?" Asked Chord through the bathroom door. "I'm find Chord" I said as I then exited the bathroom feeling alot better and breeze free. "You ready to have breakfast with one of the Princes?" Asked Chord. "Ready as I'll ever be" I replied as I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Chord opened my bedroom door and held the door open for me and I walked through it and chord followed after me shutting the door behind him and we made our way to the dining area. On the way to the dining area I noticed that it was pretty quiet in the castle.
"So Chord. Which prince am I eating breakfast with?" I asked curiously. "I'm not really sure" laughed Chord. "Really?" I said as I laughed as well. "Yeah, it's either Kurt or Lewis" said Chord trying to figure out who it was exactly. "Fair enough" I replied. I then remembered a memory from my childhood. It was a stupid little argument I had with Kurt when he use to come around when we were both six. Back then he had pretty long hair and it was able to be put up in a miniature ponytail. I can't remember why but I cut his ponytail off. He then called me a wicked woman who would never fall in love. God we were childish... "You both use to play together when you were younger didn't you?" questioned Chord. "That's right. Until one day when he was ten his dad didn't want him to be around me anymore... I'm not really sure what the reason was. But I remember that the excuse was that he needed to learn how to be a gentleman... I never believed that was the reason" I said as we were approaching the dining area door. Chord went infront of me and opened the door for me and I walked inside and there was Kurt. He was wearing a purple shirt with a white bowtie and white trousers. Even though he was dressed pretty well I know that he was shattered. Chord shut the door behind him and Kurt bowed to me. "Morning Princess" said Kurt. "Morning Kurt, how did you sleep?" I asked as I sat opposite him and Kurt then pulled his chair out to sit down as Chord stood behind me with his hands behind his back. "What do you think? I slept shit. I woke up with a ridiculous hangover in bush outside of the castle" explained Kurt trying not to laugh about it. "That's near the stables isn't it?" I asked carefully. "Yeah I think so why?" Asked Kurt as he began to tuck into his breakfast which was buttered bread covered in jam. "Oh nothing just trying to understand exactly where you were since I was found in the stables" I said as I began to eat my blueberry muffin. "You were found in the stables?" Said Kurt in shock. "Yeah weird right?" I said trying to laugh about it. "Megan, I can tell something is concerning you about it" said Kurt as he looked at me with worry. "It's just I don't know how I ended up in there then back in my room" I sighed. Kurt raised an eye brow then looked towards Chord. "Chord could you please get out please I need a word with Megan privately" explained Kurt. "I'm ordered by the Queen to keep an eye on her" said Chord as he folded his arms. "Chord if you don't do what I've asked I'll make you leave now save me the effort and just fuck off" shouted Kurt. I looked back at Chord and then he left the room and shut the door behind him. "Well that was Peak" I said with a giggle. "Yeah now cut the shit Megan I know you very well and I can tell you are hiding something" said Kurt leaning across the table looking at me. "I'm fine Kurt, really" I said as he then walked around the table and sat right next to me staring me down. "Cut the bullshit. I can tell there is something bothering you. I'm here for you" said Kurt as he placed his hand in mine.
Those four words... 'I'm here for you' broke me down into an emotional train wreak. I began to cry continuously. Kurt hugged me trying to comfort me. "Shh, shh, tell good old Kurt what's hurting you" he said as he then kissed my forehead. "I don't know who or why or anything but I know what happened in the stables" I cried. "What happened Megs?" He asked as he kept me in his arms. "I.. I lost my virginity but to who I don't know" I sobbed as my tears were making his shirt wet. "Ok.. not what I was expecting Megs. Do you remember anything else?" Asked Kurt. I shook my head as I continued to cry. "It's alright, it's alright. I'm here. Dry those tears" said Kurt as he then looked at me in my eyes. "It was probably one of the Princes since they were the only males that their way around the castle and since we all have no idea where any of us were last night due to being pissed. Plus all we know is where we all woke up" said Kurt. "You mean it could of been you as well?" I said trying to control my tears. "If it was I wish I knew and if it was I'm so sorry" Kurt cried as he then began to cry himself. We were both crying in each others arms for a few minutes. "Oh look at us. We're both emotional twats" said Kurt as he dried his tears then mine. "Yeah we are aren't we" I said as we both stopped crying. "Do you at least know if he was wearing a condom?" Asked Kurt as he then stopped hugging me. "I can't remember" I sighed. "Ok no problem. We will just see in time if he did or not by if you end up pregnant. So until you know for sure that you are pregnant don't worry yourself ok?" Said Kurt. "But what if it turns out then I am?" I asked. "Megs we will worry about that bridge when we get to it ok?" Said Kurt as he held my hand again. I don't know why but when he's around I feel like I can open up without any fear. I feel safe especially when he hugs me. It's like when he hugs me it puts up an invisible force field where nothing can hurt me at all. "We better let Chord back in yeah?" Said Kurt as he looked into my eyes deeply. "Yeah he has a job to do" I said as Kurt kissed my cheek then sat opposite me again. "Chord you can come in again" I said as we began to eat our food again. Chord entered and shut the door behind him carefully and stood behind me as he did before. "Look Chord, I apologize for my outburst it's just I wished to help the princess ok? Do you forgive me?" Said Kurt as he looked at Chord, I could tell Kurt felt a bit guilty because of his outburst towards Chord.
"No need to apologize Prince Kurt. It's water under the bridge now" said Chord but in his voice I could tell something wasn't right with him even though he said he accepts Kurt's apology. "Now then, Megan we have some catching up to do" said Kurt as he finished his breakfast. "Sure but hold on I've got to finish my food remember!" I said as I hadn't even had all the muffin yet I still have half a muffin to eat. "Alright. Not a problem. So Chord how long have you worked here at the castle for?" Asked Kurt trying to fill in the silence while I was eating. "Well I started working here at eleven so I've been working here for five years" said Chord. "Dam that's a long time. What made you start working here?" Asked Kurt. Chord's expression on his face went from bored to upset. Kurt noticed that straight away. "Oh I see... Delicate matter. Sorry for asking" said Kurt. "It's fine. Well my family are all hard workers and after my mother fell ill my sister and I had to either get a job or we would not be able to have a home anymore. She works on the farms in the kingdom of Dawn but it wasn't enough to pay for the house and other things that we needed. So I started working here" said Chord trying to show it didn't affect him at all when it really did. I saw Kurt didn't know what to say at all so in that second I put the final piece of muffin in my mouth chewed quickly and swallowed. " So what are we doing today?" I asked. "Well that's a suprise" said Kurt as he stood up. "Oh I hate suprises" I snapped. "That's because you are incredibly inpatient" smirked Kurt. Chord pulled my chair out for me and I stood up and Kurt and I began to walk towards the door as Chord ran and opened the door for us and I went through first, then Kurt then Chord. Kurt lead me outside of the castle and it was as if we were both kids again. "Come on princess follow me " said Kurt childishly as he began to run across the field. "Come on Kurt that's not fair" I laughed. "Always been a sore loser" laughed Kurt as he kept running and I continued to run after him with Chord doing his best to catch up with me. We ran past the stables and through the small woods and got to a lake. "Beautiful isn't it?" Laughed Kurt. I stopped running because I was out of breath as Chord caught up with us.
The lakes water was surrounded by a pebble beach all the way around it and the water it self was calm and still like a mirror. "Beautiful isn't it?" Repeated Kurt. "It is" I said as I looked at it trying to catch my breath. "It's a lake?" Said Chord in a confused manner. Suddenly Kurt took his fancy shoes off and socks and left them on the ground infront of me and ran off. "Kurt?" I said not understanding what he's doing. I then heard a loud noise like someone dragging a heavy object. Suddenly off to my left I see Kurt coming out of the trees dragging a boat. "What the fuck?" I said filled with mixed emotions. "I thought we could do something sappy. Remember when we were younger running around in the woods playing hide and seek? When you and I came to here we saw a couple on a boat saying romantic poetry to each other? Well I though fuck it try this" Kurt said laughing as he tried to get the boat infront of me into the water. "You serious? I'm not exactly a boat girl" I said looking out into the lake thinking how deep it could be. "I assure you that if you fall in I'll swim in after you" smiled Kurt as he finally got the boat infront of me in the water. "Ok but not too deep ok?" I said as I got on the boat and sat down. Kurt pulled up his trousers legs and pushed the boat a little into the water and he then got on. "Chord couldn't give a push could you?" Asked Kurt with a smirk. Chord complied and pushed the boat which made us slowly drift across the water. "Cool right Megs?" Said Kurt. In my mind what he said wasn't important. I'm in a boat in a lake. I looked into the water and then suddenly I could no longer see the bottom of the lake. "I said don't go deep!" I said as my eyes became wide with fear. "I know but I did it on purpose" said Kurt with a smile as he stopped rowing. "Oh my god! I hate you so much right now. I can't believe you done this!" I shouted. "Relax Megs. Trust me you're fine" said Kurt. "No no take me back to shore!" I demanded. "Look Megan trust me ok? I captain Kurt promise that the boat won't throw you over board as long as you stay calm" said Kurt as he held my hands. "I think.." I said looking into his eyes. "I think captain Kurt is full of bullshit!" I said as I continued to look at the water. "Megs, look at me! Fear is not real. It is the product of your thoughts you create. Danger is very real, but fear is a choice" said Kurt as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "You are right but words won't change things" I said to him. "I guess there's nothing I can do to change your mind..." Said Kurt as he stood up in the boat. Suddenly the boat became very very wobbly. "AHH!" Cried Kurt as he fell over board. "KURT!" I screamed. I looked out of the boat and saw he was struggling to swim. "HELP!" Cried Kurt. Oh fuck oh fuck. I know how to swim I'm a very strong swimmer but I can't... But Kurt might die! Come on me, fight or flight. Remember what Kurt said 'fear isn't real. It is the product of my thoughts that I create'. With that thought I stood up and jumped into the water and helped him stay a float then dragged him into the boat. "Kurt?" I said but he wasn't responding. "KURT!" I shouted as I started to do CPR. He then burst out laughing. "The fuck Kurt!" I shouted. "Hey you shouldn't moan at me you should be thanking me" said Kurt. "Thank you?" I said angrily. "Your welcome" laughed Kurt. "You're telling me I got drenched for no reason" I snapped. "Not for nothing. I made you no longer scared of sailing" said Kurt as he sat up in the boat. He got me there... "Not only that but I got a kiss out of it" he said smiling. "It wasn't a kiss it was me saving your life" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Then let me save myself from your rage" he said as he suddenly kissed me. His kiss was like electricity shocking me each second his lips were against mine.
When he then pulled away we were both red like roses. "So what's your next destination 'captain Kurt'" I joked. "Well dear princess, I captain Kurt will get our sorry asses to the next port heading back the way we came" laughed Kurt as he rowed back to shore. "Sorry we couldn't do what you wanted to do" I said. "You're kidding me right? Don't doubt my intelligence I planned the whole thing" said Kurt as he continues to row. "God I hate you" I said as I folded my arms. "Hey I know you love me and don't deny it" said Kurt as he winked at me and I began to blush. After a few minutes the boat was back on shore and we both got out. "Why the hell are you both soaked?" Said Chord in shock. "We fell over board" said Kurt. "Ok?... Well you both better get going back to the castle for ham sandwiches" said Chord. "Alright. Let me get my shoes on first" said Kurt. After we waited for Kurt to put his shoes on we headed back to the castle and had a relaxing lunch. The evening however we played hide and seek over the castle like we did when we were kids. Of course Kurt won like always. We then went to my room and stood on my balcony watching the sun set in the horizon. "It is pretty isn't it" said Kurt. "Yeah" I said as I then felt him wrap his arm around me. "But I know something that is even prettier and she's standing infront of me" said Kurt as he bit his lip playfully. He then kissed me again then afterwards he whispered in my ear, "I'm glad you told me your problem Megs and I promise to help as much as I can". He then kissed me again this time his tongue entered mine. It tasted like ham and cheese but I honestly didn't give a shit. I then heard my door open and close faintly but I thought it was Chord so I didn't really worry about it. "Megan" said a familiar voice that wasn't Chords. I turned around and saw it was my mum. "Oh shit" I said as Kurt and I stood their awkwardly. "Didn't want to disturb you kids but Kurt the king wanted to talk to you" said Queen Winter. "Of course" said Kurt as he then ran along out of my room leaving me and my mum looking at each other awkwardly in silence. "So.." I said. "So you and Kurt then " said Queen Winter. "Mum" I snapped. "What it's true you both were locked lips and don't even deny it Missy" laughed my mum. "It's getting late you better get ready to sleep but sleep alone ok? If I catch Kurt up here I'll slap the pair of you" said my mum as she walked out of my bedroom and shut the door behind her. I looked out to the horizon and remembered all that I did today and I blushed again and felt my heart beat faster. I then closed my balcony doors and took my dress off and folded it neatly and placed it ontop of my dresser and lied down on my bed and I was happy yet upset. I didn't want this day to end. Then a thought went through my mind. Could Kurt really be the person that took my virginity or was it someone else? That question stayed in my mind until I gradually fell asleep.

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