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"Lets go over your plan again," Rylan says as we stand next to the Ducati José is letting me drive.

"I'm going to the clubhouse in Queens to drink, examine the place." I say. "Waylon will find me and he will attempt to flirt. I'll let him. He will talk about the rivalry, because he doesn't know I'm a member."

"Good girl." Rylan kisses the top of my head.

I unzip my jacket and I get on the Ducati. "I'll see you tonight, Rylan."

After the helmets on and the bikes started, I lean forward and I take off towards Queens, New York.
"Hey!" A female biker with her hair dyed red greets me as I enter the Skull Crushers clubhouse.

"I need a drink." I grumble.

A man with bright green eyes and eyeliner smiles at me. "I'm Jasper."

"Emery." I shake the bartenders hand. "Vodka tonic, please."

Jasper slides the glass to me, "You're new to Queens."

"I'm from California, originally." I reply.

"You're far from home, Emery." Jasper says, and goes to see other members.

"Haven't seen you here before." A man with brown, wet curls and town eyes says approaching me. "I'm Waylon Thatcher."

"I'm Emery," I shake the enemies hand. "It's a pleasure. I just needed a drink, so I stopped by."

"You ride?" Waylon asks, noticing the patch on my jacket. It was my moms. Luckily, it was before she joined the Bloody Roses.

I nod, "runs in my family."

"Follow me, Emery." Watkins takes my hand. "I'll show you the clubhouse. I'd like you to consider joining the Skull Crushers."

There they are... The guns are in the back room, safe with a very scary looking biker.

"So?" Waylon asks; turning to me. "What do you say, join us."

"I'll think about it, Mister Thatcher." I smile. "But I have to go. I'm starved."

"Be careful, Emery." Waylon says, walking me to the Ducati. "You've been drinking."

"I've got this." I smile. "Thank you, Waylon."

"Sit." Nina demands as I walk into the clubhouse house.

"What happened?" Gavin asks when I gulp down a large glass of straight vodka.

"I got the drink, vodka tonic." I begin. "He saw the patch, on my mom's old jacket. He showed me around the clubhouse, thinking I wanted to join."

"You're good." José enthuses.

"That's why she wore that jacket." Mom says from the bar.

"You see the guns?" Dad asks.

"Back room." I reply. "Secured by some scary looking man."

"I figured they'd be secured by their best fighter, that's what they did." Gavin replies, his lips twitching. "Nova, please let me give her the patches. They can go on that jacket."

"It is a biker jacket." Mom insists. "I gave it to Emery to do what she pleases."

"Go for it." Dad replies.

I step outside when they grab my jacket and I see Waylon. He narrows his eyes at me ten he grows angry. He grabs a small, silver pistol from his waist pant, and he shots. Pain rips through my shoulder.
Author's Point Of View
Gavin tenses when he hears a gun shot, right outside. Emery.... when her name rushes through his head, he speed walks outside with Nova and Reese Sparks.

Gavin freezes when he finds Emery, on the blacktop. Her own blood surrounds her, oozing out of a bullet wound on her shoulder. He sits her up, and sees no exit wound.

"I'll drive her to the hospital," Reese Sparks insists, Nova lifting their daughter up. "Tell Rylan, he will be worried."

At the hospital, Nova and Reese are seated in the surgical waiting room with Gavin, Nina, and Rylan. Emery was rushed into surgery, they bullet was only centimeters from hiring her heart.

"Dammit, Waylon." Gavin mumbles, upset his friend was shot. "I got her patches on." Gavin holds up the jacket. "I'll give it to her when she wakes up after surgery."

"Emery is strong and stubborn." Reese says, smiling softly. "She'll pull through this."

"She's too damned stubborn to die," Nova jokes to lighten the mood.

After about two solid hours, Emery was placed in recovery. When Nova and Reese go back, Gavin and Rylan stay in the waiting room.

"She made it," Rylan sighs, relieved.

"You really like her, don't ya?" Gavin questions.

Rylan nods, "yeah. Quite a bit, actually."

"She's awake," Nova says, gaining the attention of the guys. "We are going to the hotel for some sleep."

Gavin grabs the jacket, and he heads towards Emery's room.

Emery's Point Of View

Pain. That is all I am feeling right now. My parents just informed me I was shot by Waylon Thatcher, and I had emergency surgery. The bullet came a couple centimeters from my heart.

"You scared us." I hear Gavin say, entering my room. "Here."

"Patches." I wheeze, smiling. "I'll wear it Home, and every cold day."

Rylan steps in, "Hey, you stubborn mule."

"Oh admit it, Rylan, you're glad your girl is alive." I wink.

Rylan struts over, and kisses me on the lips. "Of course, I'm glad you're alive, Emery."

Rylan lays beside me, and Gavin sits by the window. My man, and my friend all in the same room. Gavin Micheals and Rylan Montgomery.

"You got your patches." Rylan whispers when Gavin doses off.

"I did, didn't I?" I reply, smiling. "I'm thankful."

Rylan just wraps his arms around me, and nuzzles his face into my neck. I smile at the feeling, and I close my eyes. The pain fades away, and sleep evades my mind.

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